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◀️ Movies and Theater — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Famous Serbian Painters ▶️

Serbian Vocabulary → Entertainment and Media → Music and Performances

As a Serbian language teacher for over 20 years, I find that many of my students are interested in the vibrant music scene and live performances in Serbia. In this lesson, we will explore some Serbian vocabulary related to music and performances. By the end of this lesson, you'll be ready to impress your Serbian friends with your knowledge of music and concerts.

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Greetings & Adjectives in Serbian.

Serbian Vocabulary: Music

Music Genres

Serbia has a rich musical history with many different genres. Here are some of the most popular:

Serbian Pronunciation English
Фолк (Folk) [fɔlk] Folk music
Рок (Rock) [rɔk] Rock music
Поп (Pop) [pɔp] Pop music
Џез (Jazz) [dʒɛz] Jazz music

Musical Instruments

Serbian music transcends language barriers, and the instruments used in Serbian music tell their own unique story. Here are some of the most important Serbian musical instruments:

Serbian Pronunciation English
Гусле (Gusle) [ɡuslɛ] Traditional bowed string instrument
Тамбура (Tambura) [tambura] Long-necked fretted string instrument
Коло (Kolo) [kɔlɔ] Traditional circle dance
Фрула (Fruла) [frúla] Traditional end-blown flute

Music-Related Vocabulary

Here are some words and phrases related to music that may come in handy when you're attending music performances in Serbia.

  • Концерт (Kontsert) - Concert
  • Предгрупа (Predgrupa) - Opening act
  • Главна група (Glavna grupa) - Main act
  • Бина (Bina) - Stage
  • Микрофон (Mikrofon) - Microphone
  • Звучник (Zvučnik) - Loudspeaker
  • Звук (Zvuk) - Sound

Serbian Vocabulary: Live Performances

Serbian people are known for their wild enthusiasm, and this is especially true at live performances. Here are some words and phrases that will help you navigate a Serbian concert or performance.

  • Улазнице (Ulaznice) - Tickets
  • Резервација (Rezervacija) - Reservation
  • Седиште (Sedište) - Seat
  • Стојница (Stojnica) - Standing area
  • Аплауз (Aplauz) - Applause
  • Извођач (Izvođač) - Performer

Whether you're attending a traditional music concert or a modern dance performance, these words and phrases will come in handy.


Other Lessons

◀️ Movies and Theater — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Famous Serbian Painters ▶️