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This is a part of the Sci–Tech Index, a project for science and technology learners.

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eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Hrkt-JP: がいねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜんたい jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
theormodynamics 热力学 rè lìxué Thermodynamik [f] thermodynamique [f] ねつりきがく 熱力学 термодина́мика
classical thermodynamics 经典热力学 jīngdiǎn rèlìxué klassische Thermodynamik thermodynamique [f] classique こてんねつりきがく 古典熱力学 класси́ческая термодина́мика
statistical mechanics 统计力学 tǒngjì lìxué statistische Mechanik [f] physique [f] statistique とうけいりきがく 統計力学 статисти́ческая меха́ника, статисти́ческая термодина́мика
chemical thermodynamics 化学热力学 huàxué rèlìxué chemische Thermodynamik thermodynamique [f] chimique かがくねつりきがく 化学熱力学 хими́ческая термодина́мика
quantum thermodynamics 量子热力学 liàngzǐ rèlìxué Quantenthermodynamik [f] thermodynamique [f] quantique りょうしねつりきがく 量子熱力学 ква́нтовой термодина́мики
non-equilibrium thermodynamics 非平衡态热力学 fēi pínghéngtài rèlìxué Nichtgleichgewichtsthermodynamik [f] thermodynamique [f] hors équilibre ひへいこうねつりきがく 非平衡熱力学 неравнове́сная термодина́мика

Classical Thermodynamics

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Hrkt-JP: がいねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜんたい jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
absolute zero temperature, particle
absorption refrigerator refrigeration
adiabatic process thermodynamic process
Carnot heat engine Carnot cycle, heat engine
Carnot cycle thermodynamic cycle
Carnot's theorem (thermodynamics), Carnot's rule heat engine
Clausius theorem thermal reservoir, thermodynamic cycle
coefficient of performance heat pump cycle, thermodynamic work, energy
conjugate variables (thermodynamics)
enthalpy internal energy, pressure, volume (thermodynamics)
entropy work (thermodynamics), energy
equation of state thermodynamic equation
first law of thermodynamics law of conservation of energy <continuum mechanics>, thermodynamic process, isolated system, energy, thermodynamic work
free expansion, Joule expansion irreversible process, volume (thermodynamics)
fundamental thermodynamic relation internal energy, thermodynamic temperature, entropy, pressure, volume (thermodynamics)
heat pump mechanical energy, mechanical work
heat energy
heat engine mechanical energy, mechanical work
ideal gas point particle
ideal gas law, general gas equation equation of state, ideal gas
internal energy thermodynamic system, energy, entropy, volume (thermodynamics), particle number
irreversible process (thermodynamics) thermodynamic process
isentropic process adiabatic process, reversible process (thermodynamics)
isenthalpic process thermodynamic process, enthalpy
isobaric process thermodynamic process, closed system
isochoric process, constant-volume process, isovolumetric process, isometric process thermodynamic process, closed system
isothermal process thermodynamic process, closed system
Kelvin scale thermodynamic temperature, scale of temperature
particle number, number of particles thermodynamic system, particle
perpetual motion machine laws of thermodynamics
polytropic index polytropic process
polytropic process thermodynamic process
pressure-volume diagram thermodynamic diagram, pressure, volume (thermodynamic)
quasi-static process, quasi-equilibrium process thermodynamic process, thermodynamic equilibrium
refrigerant refrigeration
refrigeration cooling
scale of temperature temperature
temperature–entropy diagram thermodynamic diagram, thermodynamic temperature, entropy
thermal convection, convective heat transfer heat transfer
thermal efficiency thermal energy
thermal energy enthalpy, heat
phase transition physical change
process function, path function thermodynamic process
real gas ideal gas law
reversible process (thermodynamics) thermodynamic process
reversed Carnot cycle Carnot cycle
second law of thermodynamics entrophy, thermodynamic system, spontaneous process, thermodynamic equilibrium, thermodynamic free energy
state function, function of state, point function state variable <control theory>
Stirling engine reciprocating engine
thermal conduction heat transfer
thermal radiation electromagnetic radiation, kinetic theory of gases, matter
thermodynamic cycle thermodynamic process
thermodynamic diagram thermodynamic state
thermodynamic free energy work (thermodynamics), thermodynamic system
thermodynamic potential energy, thermodynamic potential scalar
thermodynamic process thermodynamic system
thermodynamic state thermodynamic system, time
thermodynamic square, thermodynamic wheel, Guggenheim scheme, Born square conjugate variables (thermodynamics)
thermodynamic system
thermodynamic temperature temperature
third law of thermodynamics entropy, absolute zero
vapor-compression refrigeration intensive property, phase transition
volume (thermodynamics) intensive property
zeroth law of thermodynamics thermodynamic system, thermal equilibrium

Statistical Mechanics

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Hrkt-JP: がいねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜんたい jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
Gibbs free energy, Gibbs energy thermodynamic potential
equation of state thermodynamic equation, pressure, volume (thermodynamics), thermodynamic temperature, internal energy
grand canonical ensemble, macrocanonical ensemble statistical ensemble
grand potential internal energy, thermodynamic temperature, entropy, chemical potential, particle number, pressure, volume (thermodynamics)
Helmholtz free energy, Helmholtz energy isothermal process
kinetic theory of gases gas, particle number
Landau free energy, Landau potential
Maxwell relations symmetry of second derivatives <multivariable calculus>, thermodynamic potential
specific enthalpy enthalpy, mass
thermodynamic limit, macroscopic limit particle number, volume (thermodynamics)
thermodynamic potential thermodynamic state, scalar (physics)

Chemical Thermodynamics

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Hrkt-JP: がいねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜんたい jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
chemical potential chemical species <chemistry>, energy, phase transition

Quantum Thermodynamics

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Hrkt-JP: がいねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜんたい jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Equilibrium Thermodynamics

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Hrkt-JP: がいねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜんたい jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Hrkt-JP: がいねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜんたい jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

800px-Carnot heat engine 2.svg.png

* Appendix *


symbol eng-Latn-US: concept cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] jpn-Hrkt-JP: がいねん jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция
A, F Helmholtz free energy
d, Δ change during process
E electrode potential
E° standard electrode potential
F Faraday constant
G Gibbs free energy
H enthalpy
Keq equilibrium constant
M mass
Ni particle number of the i-th component
P, p pressure
Q heat
Qr reaction quotient
q vapor quality
R gas constant
S entropy (thermodynamics)
T thermodynamic temperature
U internal energy
V volume (thermodynamics)
W work (thermodynamics)
μi chemical potential of the i-th component


eng-Latn-US: process eng-Latn-US: constituent cmn-Hans-CN: 过程 cmn-Hans-CN: 构件 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: guòchéng cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gòujiàn deu-Latn-DE: Prozess [m] deu-Latn-DE: Bestandteil [m] fra-Latn-FR: procès [m] fra-Latn-FR: composant [m] jpn-Hrkt-JP: かてい jpn-Hrkt-JP: こうざい jpn-Jpan-JP: 過程 jpn-Jpan-JP: 構材 rus-Cyrl-RU: проце́сс rus-Cyrl-RU: соста́вная часть

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