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Welcome to our lesson! Today, we will explore the intricacies of the past tense in the Modern Greek. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of how to use this tense in various contexts.
After mastering the past tense, you can further enhance your Greek grammar skills by exploring other related topics such as [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Comparative-and-Superlative-Adjectives|Comparative and Superlative Adjectives]], [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Homonyms-and-homophones|Homonyms and Homophones]], and [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Participle-spelling|Participle Spelling]]. Enjoy your journey into the fascinating world of Modern-greek-1453 grammar! 📚✏️
==Past tenses==
Verbs are words that state something about the subject of the sentence

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|Verbs are words that state something about the subject of the sentence
and may express action, event,or condition. The Greek verb can take many different forms which may indicate properties: person, number, voice, tense and mood.  
and may express action, event,or condition. The Greek verb can take many different forms which may indicate properties: person, number, voice, tense and mood.  

Tenses are forms of the verb which show whether the action, the event or condition expressed by the verb is placed in the past, the present or the future. 
Tenses are forms of the verb which show whether the action, the event or condition expressed by the verb is placed in the past, the present or the future. 
|Les verbes sont des mots qui indiquent quelque chose sur le sujet de la phrase et peuvent exprimer une action, un événement,ou une condition.  
== Past continuous - Παρατατικός ==
Le verbe grec peut prendre de nombreuses formes différentes qui peuvent indiquer des propriétés:  
The verbs in '''“Παρατατικός''' ”  it is used in order to describe an action that was being repeated in the past or that had a duration.
Is the tense of narrations and descriptions.  
'''Eg''' : Κάθε μέρα '''έπινα''' γάλα. (kathe mera epina gala).Every day i used to drink milk.

personne, nombre, voix, temps et la mode.
The Past Continuous of the verbs έχω (eho: to have) and είμαι (imai: to be)

Les temps sont des formes du verbe qui montrent si l'action, l'événement ou la condition exprimée par le verbe se situe dans le passé, le présent ou le futur.
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|+ Greek Verbs
! ''was having''  
'''The past tenses of verbs'''  
! ''was being''  
'''Le passé des verbes''' 
|'''1.''' Past continuous / '''Παρατατικός'''
| είχα (iha)
The verbs in “Παρατατικός ” express the continuing nature of the action
| ήμουν (imoun)
or the event taken place in the past. 
| είχες (ihes)
|1. Le temps imparfait / '''Παρατατικός:'''
| ήσουν (issoun)
Le verbe à «Παρατατικός» exprime et décrit des faits et actions dans le passé en soulignant le déroulement ou la répétition de ceux-ci.
| είχε (ihe)
| ήταν (itan)
| είχαμε (ihame)
| ήμασταν (imastan)
|'''2.'''  The simple past / '''Αόριστος'''
| είχατε (ihate)
The simple past is used to describe an action, an event or condition that occurred in the past without duration. 
| ήσασταν (issastan)
|'''2.''' Le passé simple / '''Αόριστος'''
L' "Αόριστος" souligne le fait qu’une action passée, unique et ponctuelle, ou bien venue interrompre une action ou situation en cours, est terminée.
|'''3.''' The present perfect / '''Παρακείμενος'''
| είχαν (ihan)
The present perfect expresses an action completed some time
| ήταν (itan)
# The accent is over the ante-penultimate syllable (the third syllable counting from right to left).
# The prefix '''ε'''– or –η is added to two-syllable verbs in order to form the singular and the third plural person.

in the past with consequences that reach the present
Κάνω (kano)= to do (present)
* '''<nowiki/>'Εχω''' γράψει το γράμμα και θα το ταχυδρομήσω.
* I have written the letter and I will to post it.
|'''3.''' Le passé composé / '''Παρακείμενος'''
Le "Παρακείμενος" est le temps qui relie le passé et le présent.

Le "Παρακείμενος"est utilisé pour décrire: une action ou un événement
Past Continuous

accompli dans le passé, dont son résultat est détectable dans le présent. Le "Παρακείμενος" est formé en utilisant le verbe auxiliaire έχω (avoir)
* '''έ'''κανα (ekana)= I was doing / I used to do

examp. :  
Verbs in the indicative of historical tenses (Past continuous, Simple past, and Past perfect) at the beginning and before the subject take an augmentation. This increase can be:

'''<nowiki/>'Εχω''' γράψει το γράμμα και θα το ταχυδρομήσω.
* '''A.''' Syllabic: when the verb begins with a consonant, then we put -ε- (ex. λύνω-έλυνα : solve, τρέχω-έτρεχα : run )

J'ai écrit la lettre et je vais la poster.
* '''B'''. Chronicle: when the verb begins with a vowel, then the conversions take place: '''α, ε => η'''
== Simple past / Αόριστος ==
The simple past / Αόριστος is used to describe an action, an event or condition that occurred in the past. The action or the event described was completed at some point.
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|Χθες πήγα στο πάρκο.
|I went to the park yesterday.
|'''4.''' The past perfect / '''Υπερσυντέλικος'''
|Χθες είδα τη Μαρία.
shows that the action described by the verb was completed before another past action or a certain point of time.
|I saw Maria yesterday.
== Formation of the simple past ==
The personal endings of the “Αόριστος” of the active voice are: '''-α, -ες, -ε, -αμε, -ατε, -αν.'''
The letters '''σ, ξ''' (κ+σ), '''ψ''' (π+σ) before the endings are typical letters of the “Αόριστος”. However, are verbs that form the “Αόριστος” without these letters.
In the “Αόριστος” the verbs are in principle stressed on the third-to-last syllable. Two-syllable verbs take in the “Αόριστος” the augment “'''έ'''-” with the stress mark on it.
If the preposition ends in a vowel, then this vowel disappears. Notice that the vowel in the preposition “περί” remains and that the preposition “'''εκ'''” changes into “'''εξ'''”, when a vowel is followed.
For example:
'''εισ'''πράττω (collect) - '''εισ'''έπρα'''ξ'''α
'''εν'''δίδω (give way) - '''εν'''έδωσα
== Present perfect / Παρακείμενος ==
The present perfect expresses an action completed some time in the past with consequences that reach the present. 

The past perfect is formed by using the past tense of the auxiliary verb : έχω (have)
It shows something finished in the timewe speak.  
* '''Είχα''' ξυπνήσει πριν χτυπήσει το ρολόι.
* I had been up before the clock struck.
|4. Plus-que-parfait / '''Υπερσυντέλικος'''
Le "Υπερσυντέλικος" est utilisé pour décrire une action ou un événement

survenu dans le passé exprime que l'action décrite par le verbe
* The Present perfect  It is formed in the active voice by the auxiliary verb '''έχω''' (have) + '''the infinitive''' of the verb

s'est achevée avant une autre action passée ou un certain moment.  
* '''Εχω''' '''γράψει''' το γράμμα και θα το ταχυδρομήσω. / I have written the letter and I will to post it.
*'''Έχω έρθει''' πολλές φορές στο σπίτι σας, αλλά δεν ήσασταν εκεί./  I have come many times to your house but you were not there.
*Ο Κωνσταντίνος '''έχει σπουδάσει''' Ιατρική. / Konstantinos has studied Medicine.
== Past perfect / Υπερσυντέλικος ==
The past perfect is used to describe an action or event that occurred in the past.
The past perfect shows that the action described by the verb was completed before another past action or a certain point of time.
The past perfect is formed by using the '''Past continuous - Παρατατικός-''' of the auxiliary verb έχω (have) '''(είχα''', είχες, είχε, είχαμε, είχατε, είχαν) '''+ the infinitive''' of the verb in both voices.  

Le "Υπερσυντέλικος" est formé en utilisant le «Παρατατικός»(imparfait) du verbe auxiliaire "'''έχω" : είχα''' (avoir)
*'''Είχα''' '''ξυπνήσε'''ι πριν χτυπήσει το ρολόι. / I had been up before the clock struck.
* '''Είχα''' ξυπνήσει πριν χτυπήσει το ρολόι.
*'''Είχα φάει''' πριν βγω έξω. / I had eaten before I went out.
*Η Μαρία '''είχε μαγειρέψει''' πριν τις έξι. Maria had cooked before six o’clock.

* Je me suis réveillé avant l'horloge sonner.
=== Past continuous / Παρατατικός ===

== '''Past continuous / Παρατατικός''' ==
{| class="wikitable"
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! Person
! Verb Form
! English Translation
|έ-παιζ-α ( épeza )
|έ-παιζ-α ( épeza )
Line 101: Line 149:

=='''Simple past /''' '''Αόριστος''' ==   
=== Simple past / Αόριστος===   

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Person
! Verb Form
! English Translation
|έ-παι-ξα ( épexa )
|έ-παι-ξα ( épexa )
Line 123: Line 174:
|παί-ξα-τε (péxate ) 
|παί-ξα-τε (péxate ) 
|You played  
|You played
Notice= that there is no 'ε' in the beginning of the word.
|αυτοί ,-ές ,-ά
|αυτοί ,-ές ,-ά
Line 131: Line 181:

=='''Past perfect''' / '''Υπερσυντέλικος''' ==
=== Present perfect / Παρακείμενος ===
{| class="wikitable"
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! Person
! Verb Form
! English Translation
|έχω παίξει ( echo péxi )
|I have played
|έχεις παίξει (echis péxi)
|you have played
|αυτός, -ή, -ό
|έχει παίξει ( echi péxi)
|he /she / it has played
|έχουμε παίξει (échoume péxi)
|we have played
|έχετε παίξει ( échete péxi)
|you have played
|αυτοί, -ές, ά
|έχουν παίξει (échoun péxi )
|they have played
===Past perfect / Υπερσυντέλικος===
{| class="wikitable"
! Person
! Verb Form
! English Translation
|είχα παίξει ( îcha péxi ) 
|είχα παίξει ( îcha péxi ) 
Line 159: Line 243:
|They had played
|They had played
* Ευγενική χορηγία που στοχεύει να βοηθήσει μαθητές ή μη, απανταχού της Γης, που επιδίδονται στην εκμάθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας!!!
* Contribution bénévole visant à aider les personnes, partout dans le monde, qui sont engagées dans l'apprentissage de la langue grecque !!!
* Voluntary contribution aimed at helping people, all over the world, who are committed to learning the Greek language !!!  
==Other Lessons==
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Irregular-adjectives|Irregular adjectives]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/The-combinations-«αυ»-and-«ευ»|The combinations «αυ» and «ευ»]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Methods-of-Argument|Methods of Argument]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Imperative-(Present)|Imperative (Present)]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Word-Accentuation|Word Accentuation]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Writing-and-spelling|Writing and spelling]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Basic-spelling-rules|Basic spelling rules]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Verbes-elliptiques,-impersonnels-et-irréguliers|Verbes elliptiques, impersonnels et irréguliers]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Pronoms-possessifs|Pronoms possessifs]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Syllabification|Syllabification]]
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Latest revision as of 16:05, 16 June 2023

◀️ Present Tense — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Future Tense ▶️


Welcome to our lesson! Today, we will explore the intricacies of the past tense in the Modern Greek. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of how to use this tense in various contexts.

After mastering the past tense, you can further enhance your Greek grammar skills by exploring other related topics such as Comparative and Superlative Adjectives, Homonyms and Homophones, and Participle Spelling. Enjoy your journey into the fascinating world of Modern-greek-1453 grammar! 📚✏️

Past tenses[edit | edit source]

Verbs are words that state something about the subject of the sentence

and may express action, event,or condition. The Greek verb can take many different forms which may indicate properties: person, number, voice, tense and mood.

Tenses are forms of the verb which show whether the action, the event or condition expressed by the verb is placed in the past, the present or the future. 

Past continuous - Παρατατικός[edit | edit source]

The verbs in “Παρατατικός ”  it is used in order to describe an action that was being repeated in the past or that had a duration.

Is the tense of narrations and descriptions.

Eg : Κάθε μέρα έπινα γάλα. (kathe mera epina gala).Every day i used to drink milk.

The Past Continuous of the verbs έχω (eho: to have) and είμαι (imai: to be)

Greek Verbs
was having was being
είχα (iha) ήμουν (imoun)
είχες (ihes) ήσουν (issoun)
είχε (ihe) ήταν (itan)
είχαμε (ihame) ήμασταν (imastan)
είχατε (ihate) ήσασταν (issastan)
είχαν (ihan) ήταν (itan)

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. The accent is over the ante-penultimate syllable (the third syllable counting from right to left).
  2. The prefix ε– or –η is added to two-syllable verbs in order to form the singular and the third plural person.

Κάνω (kano)= to do (present)

Past Continuous

  • έκανα (ekana)= I was doing / I used to do

Verbs in the indicative of historical tenses (Past continuous, Simple past, and Past perfect) at the beginning and before the subject take an augmentation. This increase can be:

  • A. Syllabic: when the verb begins with a consonant, then we put -ε- (ex. λύνω-έλυνα : solve, τρέχω-έτρεχα : run )
  • B. Chronicle: when the verb begins with a vowel, then the conversions take place: α, ε => η

Simple past / Αόριστος[edit | edit source]

The simple past / Αόριστος is used to describe an action, an event or condition that occurred in the past. The action or the event described was completed at some point.

Χθες πήγα στο πάρκο. I went to the park yesterday.
Χθες είδα τη Μαρία. I saw Maria yesterday.

Formation of the simple past[edit | edit source]

The personal endings of the “Αόριστος” of the active voice are: -α, -ες, -ε, -αμε, -ατε, -αν.

The letters σ, ξ (κ+σ), ψ (π+σ) before the endings are typical letters of the “Αόριστος”. However, are verbs that form the “Αόριστος” without these letters.

In the “Αόριστος” the verbs are in principle stressed on the third-to-last syllable. Two-syllable verbs take in the “Αόριστος” the augment “έ-” with the stress mark on it.

If the preposition ends in a vowel, then this vowel disappears. Notice that the vowel in the preposition “περί” remains and that the preposition “εκ” changes into “εξ”, when a vowel is followed.

For example:

εισπράττω (collect) - εισέπραξα

ενδίδω (give way) - ενέδωσα

Present perfect / Παρακείμενος[edit | edit source]

The present perfect expresses an action completed some time in the past with consequences that reach the present. 

It shows something finished in the timewe speak.

  • The Present perfect  It is formed in the active voice by the auxiliary verb έχω (have) + the infinitive of the verb


  • Εχω γράψει το γράμμα και θα το ταχυδρομήσω. / I have written the letter and I will to post it.
  • Έχω έρθει πολλές φορές στο σπίτι σας, αλλά δεν ήσασταν εκεί./ I have come many times to your house but you were not there.
  • Ο Κωνσταντίνος έχει σπουδάσει Ιατρική. / Konstantinos has studied Medicine.

Past perfect / Υπερσυντέλικος[edit | edit source]

The past perfect is used to describe an action or event that occurred in the past. The past perfect shows that the action described by the verb was completed before another past action or a certain point of time. The past perfect is formed by using the Past continuous - Παρατατικός- of the auxiliary verb έχω (have) (είχα, είχες, είχε, είχαμε, είχατε, είχαν) + the infinitive of the verb in both voices.  

  • Είχα ξυπνήσει πριν χτυπήσει το ρολόι. / I had been up before the clock struck.
  • Είχα φάει πριν βγω έξω. / I had eaten before I went out.
  • Η Μαρία είχε μαγειρέψει πριν τις έξι. Maria had cooked before six o’clock.

Examples[edit | edit source]

Past continuous / Παρατατικός[edit | edit source]

Person Verb Form English Translation
εγώ έ-παιζ-α ( épeza ) I was playing
εσύ έ-παιζ-ες (épezes )  You were playing
αυτός, - ή , -ό έ-παι-ζε ( épeze  He/She/It was playing
εμείς παί-ζα-με ( pézame  We were playing
εσείς παί-ζα-τε (pézate )  You were playing
αυτοί,-ές, -ά έ-παιζ-αν ( épezan  hey were playing

Simple past / Αόριστος[edit | edit source]

Person Verb Form English Translation
εγώ έ-παι-ξα ( épexa ) I played
εσύ έ-παι-ξες ( épexes ) You played
αυτός ,-ή ,-ό έ-παι-ξε ( épexe ) He/She/It played
εμείς παί-ξα-με ( péxame ) We played
εσείς παί-ξα-τε (péxate )  You played
αυτοί ,-ές ,-ά έ-παι-ξαν (épexan ) They played

Present perfect / Παρακείμενος[edit | edit source]

Person Verb Form English Translation
εγώ έχω παίξει ( echo péxi ) I have played
εσύ έχεις παίξει (echis péxi) you have played
αυτός, -ή, -ό έχει παίξει ( echi péxi) he /she / it has played
εμείς έχουμε παίξει (échoume péxi) we have played
εσείς έχετε παίξει ( échete péxi) you have played
αυτοί, -ές, ά έχουν παίξει (échoun péxi ) they have played

Past perfect / Υπερσυντέλικος[edit | edit source]

Person Verb Form English Translation
εγώ είχα παίξει ( îcha péxi )  I had played
εσύ είχες παίξει (îches péxi )  You had played
αυτός ,-ή ,ό είχε παίξει ( îche péxi ) He/She/It had played
εμείς είχαμε παίξει ( îchame péxi ) We had played
εσείς είχατε παίξει îchate péxi ) You had played
αυτοί ,-ές ,-ά είχαν / είχανε παίξει  They had played

Author[edit source]


  • Ευγενική χορηγία που στοχεύει να βοηθήσει μαθητές ή μη, απανταχού της Γης, που επιδίδονται στην εκμάθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας!
  • Contribution bénévole visant à aider les personnes, partout dans le monde, qui sont engagées dans l'apprentissage de la langue grecque !
  • Voluntary contribution aimed at helping people, all over the world, who are committed to learning the Greek language! 

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

◀️ Present Tense — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Future Tense ▶️