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<youtube> zuzuy0p-Dbs </youtube>
<youtube> zuzuy0p-Dbs </youtube>
|title=The future tense in French
|keywords=tense, tomorrow, conjugate, subject, situation, examples, expressions
|description=The future tense is used to describe an action that will occur. Here are some useful examples.

Revision as of 19:10, 9 November 2016

The future.jpeg

In French there are two ways to talk about something that will happen: Le Futur Proche (near future) and Le Futur (the future).


It only requires to conjugate the verb aller (to go) in the present tense. It involves using the correct conjugation of aller + an infinitive (unconjugated verb).

  • On va regarder la télé ce soir = We are going to watch TV tonight


The future is used to talk about more distant future events. Its English equivalent is “I will ______.” Le futur involves using the infinitive and then adding the correct ending.

The endings of the future tense (with the regular verb marcher (to walk) are:


  • je marcherai = I will walk
  • tu marcheras = you will walk
  • il/elle/on marchera = he/she/it will walk
  • nous marcherons = we will walk
  • vous marcherez = you will walk
  • ils/elles marcheront = they will walk
