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Abkhazian Vocabulary - Education

Hi Abkhazian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on vocabulary related to education in Abkhazian language. Education is crucial for personal and professional development. To improve your language proficiency, learning vocabulary related to education is essential. Let's dive in!

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Idiomatic Expressions & Numbers and Counting in Abkhazian.

School[edit | edit source]

Learning starts in school. Here are some words related to school:

Abkhazian Pronunciation English
аштәы рашәы (ashtwy rashwy) /aʃtʷəj raʃwəj/ school
тәфәәәз (tәfәәәz) /tʷəfəːz/ lesson
кәран (kәran) /kʷərän/ student
грекѳ (grekf) /grɛkʷə/ teacher
џыҟ (dzyk) /dʑəq/ book
іббуа (ibbua) /ibwuä/ pen


  • Person 1: аштәы рашәы дпшщыбла шьыхь? (ashtwy rashwy dpyshchybla sh'ykh'?) (What school did you go to?)
  • Person 2: ацәа хәщәәі джәынтәануу аштәы рашәы. (atswa khәshәәi dzhәintәanuu ashtwy rashwy.) (I went to State School.)

University[edit | edit source]

Education doesn't necessarily end after school. Many people continue to university. Here are some words related to university:

Abkhazian Pronunciation English
университет (universitet) /universitɛt/ university
факультет (fakultet) /fakultɛt/ faculty
лабораториа (laboratoriya) /laboratorija/ laboratory
лекция (lektsiya) /lɛkt͡sija/ lecture
ҳаррҳа (harrha) /harrħa/ exam


  • Person 1: университетқәа кхы амҿаҳа хыҳыуа рра? (universitetqәa khy amzhaha khәhyuua prra?) (What are you studying at university?)
  • Person 2: факультеткәа биологиа жәынтәануу. (fakultetqәa biologiia zhәintәanuu.) (I am studying biology at the faculty.)

Professions[edit | edit source]

After education, we enter the job market. Here are some words related to professions:

Abkhazian Pronunciation English
архитектор (arkhitektor) /arxitɛktɔr/ architect
дентист (dentist) /dɛntist/ dentist
экономист (ekonomist) /ɛkɔnɔmist/ economist
журналист (zhurnalist) /ʒurnalˈist/ journalist
шофер (shofer) /ʃɔfɛr/ driver


  • Person 1: амен адырара дезловрардаара? (amen adyrarara dezlovrardaara?) (What do you do for a living?)
  • Person 2: амшьа архитектор стаалI. (amsh'a arkhitektor staalI.) (I am an architect currently.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Learning vocabulary related to education and professions can take you one step closer to fluency. Keep practicing and using these words in your everyday life. To improve your Abkhazian Abkhazian vocabulary, you can visit Polyglot Club. Find native speakers and ask them any questions you may have about the language. 🤓

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Sources[edit | edit source]

Now that you've completed this lesson, don't stop learning! Check out these related topics: Means of Transportation & Drinks.

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