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English Zarma
day after tomorrow (lit. not tomorrow) subasi
he gave me this ten days ago a na wone no ay se za jirbi way
I haven't seen him for two days zaari hinka a mana di a
I haven't seen him for two days a jirbi hinka ay mana di a
I spent two days and one night in Dosso a cin fo da zaari hinka Dosso
last Wednesday Alarba kan bu
last week habu kan bu
next Wednesday hine Alarba
next Wednesday, this coming Wednesday Alarba kan ga kaa
next week; next market hino habu
since 3 days, 3 days ago za jirbi hinza
the day before bifo, that is, usually 3 day ago bifo hendi; bifo yongo
the day next after subasi, that is 3 days hence subasi hendi; subasi yongo
this Wednesday, Wednesday of this week Alarba wo
this week habu wo
today hunkuna
tomorrow suba
usually day before yesterday, but may be another yesterday bi fo
Wednesday after next Alarba beene
week (also: market) habu
week after next habu beene
yesterday bi
English Zarma
year (for counting years) jiiri
next year yeesi
year after next yeesi fo
this year jiiri wo, haraŋ
last year mannaŋ
another last year, usually two years mannaŋ fo
3 years ago mannaŋ fo wongo
a previous year, it 's 6 years ago this year mannaŋ fo a jiiri iddu haraŋ
May next year come ! Kaa Yeesi !
May God show us next year ! Irikoy m´iri cabe yeesi !
May God show us next year in health ! Irikoy m´iri cabe yeesi nda baani !
May God show us next year as of now ! Irikoy m´iri cabe yeesi mansaŋcine !

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