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Xhosa Vocabulary - Education

Hi Xhosa learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some vocabulary related to education. Education is important in any society because it enables individuals to develop skills that are useful throughout life.

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Basic Education[edit | edit source]

In South Africa, basic education is compulsory from the age of 7 to 15 years old. This means that children have to attend school during this period. In Xhosa, the word for school is "isikolo". Let's learn some more words related to basic education.

Xhosa Pronunciation English
isikolo ee-see-kho-lo school
ulwimi oo-lwi-mi language
itechnology ee-tek-noh-lo-ji technology
isichasi ee-see-cha-see chalk
isibhalo ee-see-bha-lo book

Here's an example dialogue to practice using these words:

  • Person 1: Ndizohlala ndiya [isikolo]. (I will always go to [school].)
  • Person 2: Wenza njani ukwazi ukubhala? (How do you know how to write?)
  • Person 1: Ndiza [isikolo] ndifundile [ulwimi] nokubhala. (I go to [school] and learned [language] and writing.)

Higher Education[edit | edit source]

After completing basic education, students can pursue higher education. This includes universities, colleges, and vocational schools. Here are some useful Xhosa words related to higher education.

Xhosa Pronunciation English
ikolishi ee-ko-lee-shee college
inyuvesi ee-nn-yuu-ve-see university
umfundi oo-mm-foo-ndi student
ukufunda oo-koo-fuu-nda to study
ukufundisa oo-koo-foon-dee-sa to teach

Here's an example dialogue to practice using these words:

  • Person 1: Uya [inyuvesi]? (Do you go to [university]?)
  • Person 2: Ndiya e-[ikolishi]. (I go to [college].)
  • Person 1: Uyafunda yintoni? (What are you studying?)
  • Person 2: Ndiyafunda [itechnology]. (I am studying [technology].)

Professions[edit | edit source]

After completing higher education, individuals can pursue a profession. Here are some useful Xhosa words related to professions. It is important to pursue a profession that you are passionate about!

Xhosa Pronunciation English
umsebenzi oo-mm-se- ben-zi job
umsebenzani oo-mm-se-ben-za-nee employee
inkonzo ee-nn-kho-nzo career
umfundi wolwazi uu-mm-foo-ndi woo-lwa-zi scientist
umthengisi uu-mm-tthe-ngi-si salesperson

Here's an example dialogue to practice using these words:

  • Person 1: Ufuna ukuba [umfundi wolwazi]? (Do you want to be a [scientist]?)
  • Person 2: Cha, ndifuna ukuba [umthengisi]. (No, I want to be a [salesperson].)
  • Person 1: Ngoku sizokufundisa ukuba [umthengisi]. (Now we will teach you to be a [salesperson].)

Learning Xhosa vocabulary related to education is very important, especially if you intend to study, work, or live in South Africa. Remember, the more words you know, the easier it becomes to communicate with others.

To improve your Xhosa Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Sources[edit | edit source]

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