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🤗 Udmurt Greetings for Everyday Life

Hi Udmurt learners! 😃

Do you want to learn how to say “Hello” in Udmurt?

Greetings are an important part of any language because they allow you to connect and communicate with others.

If you’re planning a trip to the country or are trying to learn Udmurt, keep reading to discover some of the most important greetings.

Let’s get started! 🤗

Greetings[edit | edit source]

English Udmurt
ziech buries: general greeting Ӟеч буресь
ziech bur: informal greeting Ӟеч бур
chyrtkiem: general greeting Чырткем
chyrtkiemies: general greeting Чырткемесь
ziech nunalen: general greeting Ӟеч нуналэн
ziech chuknayen: morning greeting Ӟеч ӵукнаен
byl chuknayen: morning greeting Выль чукнаен
ziech zhytien: evening greeting Ӟеч ӝытень
bur zhytien: evening greeting Бур ӝытень
kychie uzhyosty: how are you? Кыӵе ужъёсты?
kyzy uliskody: how are you? Кызьы улӥськоды?
umoi: reply to Кыӵе ужъёсты Умой
tau umoi: reply to Кыӵе ужъёсты Тау, умой
tau nomyr övöl: reply to Кыӵе ужъёсты Тау, номыр öвöл
gazhasa ötis'kom: welcome greeting Гажаса öтиськом

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