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Tosk Albanian Vocabulary - How to say "Good Bye"?

Hi Tosk Albanian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to say "Good Bye" in Tosk Albanian. We will also learn some other useful phrases and expressions related to saying goodbye.

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Words[edit | edit source]

Tosk Albanian Pronunciation English Translation
Mirupafshim mɪrʊpafʃɪm Goodbye
Mirupafshim shumë mɪrʊpafʃɪm ʃumə Goodbye (formal)
Mirupafshim për sot mɪrʊpafʃɪm pər sɔt Goodbye for today
Mirupafshim për nesër mɪrʊpafʃɪm pər nɛsər Goodbye for tomorrow
Mirupafshim për të nesërmen mɪrʊpafʃɪm pər tə nɛsərmɛn Goodbye for the day after tomorrow
Mirupafshim për gjithmonë mɪrʊpafʃɪm pər gjɪθmɔnə Goodbye forever
Mirupafshim me dashuri mɪrʊpafʃɪm mɛ dɑʃʊrɪ Goodbye with love
Mirupafshim me respekt mɪrʊpafʃɪm mɛ rɛspɛkt Goodbye with respect
Mirupafshim me shpresë mɪrʊpafʃɪm mɛ ʃprɛsə Goodbye with hope

To improve your Tosk Albanian Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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