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Drinks Vocabulary in Tajik

Салом Tajik Learners! 😃

➡ In today's lesson you will learn some vocabulary related to Drinks in the Tajik language.

Happy learning!

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Animals, Greetings and Introductions, Shopping Vocabulary & Trees.

Vocabulary ➡ Drinks in Tajik[edit | edit source]

English Tajik Pronunciation
fruit juice афшура, Шарбати мева afşura, Şarʙati meva
grapefruit juice шарбати грейпфрут şarʙati grejpfrut
orange juice шарбати афлесун şarʙati aflesun
pineapple juice афшураи ананас afşurai ananas
iced tea чой ях coj jax
lemonade Лимонад Limonad
orange squash помидор афлесун pomidor aflesun
water об
mineral water оби минералӣ oʙi mineralī
cocoa какао kakao
coffee қаҳва qahva
fruit tea чой мева coj meva
green tea чой сабз coj saʙz
black coffee қаҳва сиёҳ qahva sijoh
tea чой coj

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