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Swati Vocabulary - Education

Hi Swati learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn useful Swati vocabulary related to education. Education is an essential part of life, and it is crucial to learn new words and phrases to communicate effectively in a learning environment. We will also include interesting cultural facts to enhance your learning experience. So let's get started! 🚀

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Swati Schools[edit | edit source]

Swati schools are modeled after the Western education system, consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions. Here are some essential Swati vocabulary related to schools:

Swati Pronunciation English
sifunda see-foon-dah study/learn
umfundisi oom-foon-dee-see teacher
umsebenzi oom-seh-ben-zee homework
ibanga ee-bang-gah grade
isikole see-koh-lay school
eskoleni eh-skoh-lay-nee at school
inqwaba een-kwah-bah backpack

Example Dialogue:

  • Person 1: Sifunda kakhulu ngase skoleni sakho? (Do you study a lot at your school?)
  • Person 2: Yebo, nama ibanga eliqotho. (Yes, and I have excellent grades.)

University Education[edit | edit source]

Swaziland has two universities, the University of Eswatini and Limkokwing University of Creative Technology. Both universities offer academic programs in various fields. Here are some essential Swati vocabulary related to university education:

Swati Pronunciation English
injiniyela een-jee-nee-yeh-lah engineer
inyoni yoMthetho ee-nyoh-nee yoh-mt'eh-thoh law degree
inkampani een-kahm-pah-nee company
sitifikheti see-tee-fee-khey-tee certificate
noma noh-mah or
ndzimana deez-mah-nah semester
imphuphu eem-poo-poo thesis

Example Dialogue:

  • Person 1: Ngitsandza kufuna inyoni yoMthetho. (I want to pursue a law degree.)
  • Person 2: Ungakwazi kungikhombisa inkampani yakho onguye owenza injiniyela noma sifikheti? (Can you show me your company that you work as an engineer or with a certificate?)

School Days[edit | edit source]

Swati school days are from Monday to Friday, and some schools operate on Saturdays. Here are some interesting cultural facts related to Swati school days:

- Swati schools require students to wear uniforms as a symbol of discipline and unity. - Students typically start lining up to sing the Swati national anthem before the start of the school day. - Schools in Swaziland have a strict "no mobile phone" policy. - Corporal punishment is still practiced in some Swati schools.

Example Dialogue:

  • Person 1: Usukhuluma nje ngemi phuphu yakho? (Are you just talking about your thesis?)
  • Person 2: Yebo, isekhishini saketfu sithatha amakhasi esikhulu ngasesikhatsini sisenza indzaba kuleli. (Yes, at our university, we take exams at the end of each semester.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Learning these new Swati words related to education will enable you to communicate effectively in a learning environment. To improve your Swati vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions! For more Swati vocabulary, you can visit the Vocabulary page.

Sources[edit | edit source]

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