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Sundanese Grammar - Give your Opinion

Hi Sundanese learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to express our opinion in Sundanese. Giving an opinion in another language is not always easy, but it is essential when practicing a language. For instance, when you travel to a country where everyone speaks Sundanese, you might want to express your preferences about food, culture, or anything else. So, it's an interesting and useful topic to study.

Before we start, remember that to improve your Sundanese Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

How to say "In my opinion" in Sundanese[edit | edit source]

To express your opinion in Sundanese, you can use the following expressions:

Sundanese Pronunciation English
kalebet ka-lé-bet In my opinion
pikaresep pi-ka-ré-sep Personally

Examples[edit | edit source]

Here are some examples of how to use these expressions to give your opinion:

  • Person 1: Abdi suka ngan saiki teang ku dipantai. (I love going to the beach at sunset.)
  • Person 2: Kalebet, dipantai tetep enak ditemukeun sababaraha kalayan hiji sangkuriang. (In my opinion, the beach is still beautiful at any time with the sunset.)
  • Person 1: Abdi awewe kuring pereh teangnu. (I prefer to watch movies.)
  • Person 2: Pikaresep, abdi malah lebih pereh milih teang dirumah. (Personally, I prefer to watch movies at home.)

How to say "I agree/disagree" in Sundanese[edit | edit source]

Now that you know how to express your opinion, let's learn how to agree or disagree with someone else's opinion.

To express agreement or disagreement in Sundanese, you can use the following expressions:

Sundanese Pronunciation English
mangga mang-ga I agree
naon sih/kudu sih na-on sih / ku-du sih I don't agree

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: Sabenerna, keur ka Manuknangkah leuwih enak ti keur ka Ciwidey. (Actually, going to Manuknangkah is better than going to Ciwidey.)
  • Person 2: Mangga, tapi menurut abdi Ciwidey masih paling enak. (I agree, but according to me, Ciwidey is still the best.)
  • Person 1: Abdi ngeber katresnan ku si dadan mah hese diuk ku abdi. (I think Dadan's love for me is fake.)
  • Person 2: Naon sih, mah mun abdi kumaha sakur naha maneh mah terang atuh. (I don't agree, do you have any proof that it's not real?)

How to say "It seems to me that" in Sundanese[edit | edit source]

When expressing an opinion, sometimes you are not 100% sure. So you have to use expressions such as "It seems to me that" or "I think that".

To express that in Sundanese, you can use the following expression:

Sundanese Pronunciation English
karesepna mah ka-re-sep-na mah It seems to me that / I think that

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: Teangna di Sabuga enak teu sih? (Isn't it nice to watch the sunset at Sabuga?)
  • Person 2: Karesepna mah, tapi mungkin masih lebih enak di Pangalengan. (It seems to me that it's nice, but maybe it's still better in Pangalengan.)
  • Person 1: Nu maneh teh enak, teang atawa foot massage? (What do you prefer, watching or getting a foot massage?)
  • Person 2: Karesepna mah, abdi bilih teang, tapi mun aya pangalamanan pisan nu nyanghareupan abdi, abdi resep massage heh... (It seems to me that I love watching, but if there is a very tempting experience, I prefer massage.)

Practice[edit | edit source]

Let's practice! Below is a dialogue for you to practice saying your opinion and agreeing or disagreeing with each other.

  • Person 1: Pilihan ganda sakola téh yanten mangga mana?
  • Person 2: Tingalieun, tapi kademangananan teu yakin tingalieun paling bagus.
  • Person 1: Pikaresep abdi mah, abdi malah prefer nu lain.
  • Person 2: Oalah, emi pilihan teu hadé terang pisan kahiji.

(Person 1: Which multiple choice answer is the best for school? Person 2: Let me see, but honestly I don't think it's the best. Person 1: Personally, I prefer another option. Person 2: Oh well, all the choices are not really clear, right?)

Remember to use the expressions that you learned today, and if you're a beginner, don't worry if it's still difficult to express your opinion, just keep practicing and you'll get better.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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