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Southern Uzbek Vocabulary - Food

In today's lesson, we will learn some Southern Uzbek words related to food. We will learn the words in Southern Uzbek, their pronunciation and their English translation. Please feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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Main Words[edit | edit source]

Word in Southern Uzbek Pronunciation English Translation
хорим [xoˈrim] bread
нон [non] rice
баста [basˈta] soup
манту [manˈtu] dumplings
пилав [piˈlav] noodles
кабаб [kaˈbab] kebab
пирог [piˈrog] pie
пилавча [piˈlavtʃa] pancakes
бурчик [burˈtʃik] pastry
каша [kaˈʃa] porridge
хамса [xamˈsa] jam
халама [xaˈlama] halva
халва [xalˈva] halwa
халима [xaˈlima] halimah

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