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Serbian Vocabulary - Health

Hi Serbian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn useful health-related vocabulary in Serbian. Health is an important topic, and knowing how to talk about it is necessary when you travel, communicate with locals, or just want to feel safe in a foreign country. We will also add some cultural information and interesting facts. Don't forget to practice with native speakers! Find native speakers and ask them any questions.
You can also review other words and expressions on the Vocabulary page.

Let's start!

Common Health Problems[edit | edit source]

Let's start by learning some common health problems in Serbian.

Serbian Pronunciation English
нервоза nérvoza nervousness
главобоља glávobolja headache
бол у стомаку bol u stomáku stomach ache
грип grip flu
алергија alergíja allergy
кашаљ kašalj cough
обољење oboljenje illness
болест bólest disease
вирус vírus virus

Here's a dialogue so you can see these words in context:

  • Person 1: Имам главобољу. (I have a headache.)
  • Person 2: Од чега? (What kind?)
  • Person 1: Не знам, мислим да је због много рада на компјутеру. (I don't know, I think it's from working too much on the computer.)

Medical Examinations[edit | edit source]

Have you ever been to a hospital or a doctor in Serbia? It's important to know some words and expressions related to medical examinations.

Serbian Pronunciation English
хитна помоћ hitná pómoć emergency help
лекар lékar doctor
медицинска сестра medicínska séstra nurse
пацијент pacijént patient
резултат rezultát result
ренген réngen X-ray
крвна слика kŕvna slíka blood test
узвиц uzcít ultrasound

And a dialogue for practice:

  • Person 1: Идем на узвиц. (I'm going for an ultrasound.)
  • Person 2: Зашто? (Why?)
  • Person 1: Лекар мисли да имам проблем са бубрегом. (The doctor thinks I have a problem with my kidney.)

Medicines and Treatments[edit | edit source]

Sometimes we need medication to feel better. It's important to know the names of some common medicines and treatments in Serbian.

Serbian Pronunciation English
лек lék medicine
лекови за болове lékovi za bólove painkillers
антибиотик antibiótik antibiotic
инјекција injékcija injection
мазиво mázivo ointment
лосион losíon lotion
шприца šprica syringe
температура temperatúra fever

Let's practice some sentences:

  • Person 1: Можеш ми дати лекове за болове? (Can you give me painkillers?)
  • Person 2: На којој си температури? (What is your fever?)
  • Person 1: Имам тридесет и осам степени. (I have 38 degrees.)

Traditional Medicine and Beliefs[edit | edit source]

Serbian culture has a long tradition of using natural remedies and herbs for health benefits. People still believe in their power and use them in everyday life. Here are some examples:

Serbian Pronunciation English
каминац kaminác chamomile
нана nana mint
џиновска паприка đínovska páprika bell pepper
џин đín juniper
лаванда lavànda lavender
врба vrba willow
крушина krúsina cornelian cherry

And a dialogue:

  • Person 1: Боли ме глава, јел имаш неки лек? (I have a headache, do you have any medicine?)
  • Person 2: Не, али могу ти дати нану да направиш чај. (No, but I can give you mint to make tea.)
  • Person 1: Добро, дај ми то. (Okay, give me that.)

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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