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Adverbs in Serbian
Adverbs in Serbian

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”ADVERBS” in Serbian

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Happy learning!

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Flowers, Serbian Christmas Vocabulary, Shapes & Useful Sentenses.

Adverbs in Serbian[edit | edit source]

English Serbian English Transliteration Brazilian Portuguese
Never Никад nih kahd Nunca
Sometimes Понекад poh neh kahd Ás vezes
Often Често chehs toh Freqüentemente
Usually Обично oh bih chnoh Usualmente
Seldom Ретко peht koh Raramente
Rarely Ретко peht koh Raramente
Normally Нормално nohr mahl noh Normalmente
Always Увек ou vehk Sempre
Last year Прошле године prohsh leh goh dih neh Ano passado
Last month Прошлог месеца prohsh lohk meh seh tsah Mês passado
Last week Прошле седмице prohsh leh sehd mih tseh Semana Anterior
Yesterday Јуче you cheh Ontem
Today Данас dah nahs Hoje
Tomorrow Сутра sou trah Amanhã
Later Касније kahs nee yeh Mais tarde
Soon Ускоро oos koh roh Em breve
Now Сада sah dah Agora
Tonight Вечерас veh cheh rahs Esta noite
Already Већ veh chih
Then Онда ohd nah Então
Here Ево eh voh Aqui
right there тачно тамо tahch noh tah moh Ali
Far Далеко dah leh koh Longe
Nearby У близини ou blih zih nih Próximo
Inside У ou Lado de dentro
Outside Напољу nah poh lyou Lado de fora

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