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Sango Vocabulary - Education

Hi Sango learners! 😊
In this lesson, we are going to learn some vocabulary related to education. Whether you are a student, a teacher, or just curious about education, this lesson is for you! By the end of this lesson, you will be able to use Sango words related to school, university, exams, and more. Don't forget that you can always use the Polyglot Club to find native speakers and ask them any questions. And if you need to improve your Sango Vocabulary, don't hesitate to check out our Pallotines language course!

School[edit | edit source]

In Sango, a school is called "l'école" (lay-COHL). Here are some other useful words related to school:

Sango Pronunciation English
L'élève lay-LEV Student
Le professeur luh pruh-fuh-SOOR Teacher
La classe lah KLAHS Class
Le cahier luh kah-YAY Notebook
Le crayon luh kray-ON Pencil
La gomme lah GAHM Eraser
Le sac à dos luh sahk ah doh Backpack

Let's see some examples of how to use these words in context:

  • Person 1: Bonjour, Professeur! Comment ça va? (Bonjour, Teacher! How are you?)
  • Person 2: Bonjour, l'élève. Je vais bien, merci. Asseyez-vous, s'il vous plaît. (Hello, student. I'm fine, thank you. Please sit down.)
  • Person 1: J'ai oublié mon cahier. (I forgot my notebook.)
  • Person 2: Pas de problème, tu peux emprunter le mien. (No problem, you can borrow mine.)

University[edit | edit source]

In Sango, a university is called "l'université" (loo-nee-vair-SEE-tay). Here are some other useful words related to university:

Sango Pronunciation English
L'étudiant lay-tew-dee-AHN Student
Le professeur d'université luh pruh-fuh-SOOR doo-nee-vair-SEE-tay University professor
La faculté lah fah-kool-TAY Faculty
Le département luh day-pahr-tuh-MAHN Department
La bibliothèque lah bee-blee-oh-TECK Library
La recherche lah ruh-shairsh Research

Let's see some examples of how to use these words in context:

  • Person 1: Où est la faculté de droit? (Where is the law faculty?)
  • Person 2: Elle est juste là-bas, à côté de la bibliothèque. (It's right over there, next to the library.)
  • Person 1: Je dois rendre ma recherche demain. (I have to submit my research tomorrow.)
  • Person 2: Tu devrais demander des conseils à ton professeur d'université. (You should ask for advice from your university professor.)

Exams[edit | edit source]

Exams are stressful in any language, but knowing the right vocabulary can make it a bit easier! Here are some words related to exams in Sango:

Sango Pronunciation English
L'examen luhgz-ah-men Exam
La note lah NOTE Grade
La question lah KES-ti-YON Question
La réponse lah ray-PONSE Answer
La calculatrice lah ka-loo-lee-YAHT-ruh Calculator
Le diplôme luh dee-ploh-MAY Diploma

Let's see some examples of how to use these words in context:

  • Person 1: J'ai réussi l'examen! (I passed the exam!)
  • Person 2: Félicitations! Quelle note as-tu eu? (Congratulations! What grade did you get?)
  • Person 1: Je ne comprends pas cette question. (I don't understand this question.)
  • Person 2: Quelle est la réponse à cette question? (What is the answer to this question?)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

That's it for this lesson on Sango Vocabulary related to education! We hope you found it useful and interesting. Remember, the more you practice, the better you will become. Don't hesitate to ask for help or find a language exchange partner on Polyglot Club. Keep learning and have fun! 😊

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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