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Plateau Malagasy Grammar - Give your Opinion

Hi Plateau Malagasy learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to express our opinion in Plateau Malagasy using different grammatical structures. As you know, Plateau Malagasy is the language spoken in the central plateau area of Madagascar, and it has many interesting features that make it unique. 🌴 Let's get started!

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Negation & Questions.

Basic structures[edit | edit source]

To give your opinion in Plateau Malagasy, you can use several basic structures that are easy to learn. Here are some examples:

Plateau Malagasy Pronunciation English
Inona no vao momba ny ...? Ee-noo-nah noo vah-oo moom-bah nee ...? What do you think about ...?
Mahafinaritra ahy ny ... Mah-hah-fee-nah-ree-tra ah-y nee ... I like ...
Tsara ny ... Tsah-rah nee ... The ... is good
Lasa mazava ny ... Lah-sah mah-zah-vah nee ... The ... is clear/evident
Mbola tsy lasa mazava ny ... Mboh-lah tsee lah-sah mah-zah-vah nee ... The ... is not clear/evident yet

For example:

  • Person 1: Inona no vao momba ny sakafony? (What do you think about my shirt?)
  • Person 2: Tsara ny tsy voadona (The color is not good)

In this dialogue, Person 1 asks for an opinion on his shirt, and Person 2 replies that the color is not good.

Advanced structures[edit | edit source]

If you want to express a stronger or more elaborate opinion, you can use some advanced structures:

Plateau Malagasy Pronunciation English
Efa nino ny ... E-fah nee-noo nee ... I have a strong feeling about ...
Mbola sarotra ny nitsiky aho hoe ... Mboh-lah sah-roh-tra nee nee-tsee-ky ah-ho hoo-eh ... It's hard for me to say that ...
Tsy tokony hisy ho tsara ny ... Tsee too-koh-ny hee-see hoo-tsah-rah nee ... The ... should not be good

For example:

  • Person 1: Efa nino ny fahavalo ny kolontsaina an'i Madagascar (I have a strong opinion on the deforestation of Madagascar forests)
  • Person 2: Tsara ny apetraka amin'ny vohitra (The preservation in reserves is good)

In this dialogue, Person 1 expresses a strong opinion on the deforestation in Madagascar, and Person 2 agrees that preserving the forest in reserves is a good thing.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we have learned how to give our opinion in Plateau Malagasy using different grammatical structures. You now have the tools to express yourself in a clear and articulate way on various topics. Remember to practice your language skills as much as possible, and to use native speakers and the Plateau Malagasy forums to improve your level. Also, don't forget to check out the Plateau Malagasy Grammar page for more helpful tips and advice. 😊

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Great work on completing this lesson! Take a moment to investigate these connected pages: Common Prepositions & Adverbs and Their Usage.

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