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Numbers in Napolitan
Numbers in Napolitan

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨NUMBERS¨ in Napolitan

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Happy learning ! :)

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Dinner Table & Basic Phrases in Neapolitan.

Some words for Numbers in Napolitan[edit | edit source]



one uno / una um / uma
two dduje / ddoje dois / duas
three tre / tréje três
four quatto quatro
five cinche cinco
six seje seis
seven sette sete
eight otto oito
nine nove nove
ten diece dez
eleven unnece onze
twelve dudece / durece doze
thirteen tridece / trirece treze
fourteen quattuordece quatorze
fifteen quinnece quinze
sixteen sidece dezesseis
seventeen dicesette / decessette dezessete
eighteen diciotto / decedotto dezoito
nineteen dicennove / decennove dezenove
twenty vinte vinte
twenty one vintuno / vintuna vinte e um
twenty two vintiròie vinte e dois
twenty three vintitre vinte e três
thirty trenta trinta
forty quaranta quarenta
fifty cinquanta cinquenta
sixty sissanta sessenta
seventy sittanta setenta
eighty uttanta oitenta
ninety nuvanta noventa
one hundred ciento cem
one hundred and one ciento e uno cento e um
two hundred duiciento duzentos
three hundred treciento trezentos
four hundred quattuciento quatrocentos
five hundred cincuciento quinhentos
six hundred sejciento seiscentos
seven hundred setteciento setecentos
eight hundred ottociento oitocentos
nine hundred noveciento novecentos
one thousand mille mil
two thousand duimille dois mil

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The Sound of the Neapolitan language (Numbers, Greetings, Words ...[edit | edit source]

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