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Mesopotamian Arabic Vocabulary - Fruits

Hi Mesopotamian Arabic learners! 😊

In this lesson, we will learn vocabulary related to fruits in Mesopotamian Arabic. Fruits are an essential part of our diet and culture. With this lesson, you will be able to name fruits in Mesopotamian Arabic and ask for them at the market or in a restaurant. Let's get started!

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Food & Education.

Fruits Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here is a list of the most common fruits in Mesopotamian Arabic:

Mesopotamian Arabic Pronunciation English
تفاح taffah Apple
موز mawz Banana
برتقال burtuqal Orange
خوخ khawkh Apricot
كرز kuraz Cherry
عنب 'enab Grape
توت tout Berry
فراولة farawla Strawberry
تمر tamr Date
شمام shumaam Melon
طماطم tamatem Tomato

Note that طماطم tamatem in Mesopotamian Arabic is considered a fruit and not a vegetable as it is known in English.

Now, let's practice using these words in sentences.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

A: مرحبا، ممكن تجيبلي تفاح؟ (Marhaba, mumkin tjeblay taffah? - Hi, can you bring me an apple?) B: بالطبع، حبيبي. (Bel-taba'an, habibi. - Of course, my dear.) A: شكرًا جزيلاً. (Shukran jazeelan. - Thank you very much.) B: عفوًا، هل تريد الموز أيضًا؟ (Afwan, hal turid al-mawz aydan? - You're welcome, do you want bananas too?) A: لا، شكرًا. (La, shukran. - No, thank you.)

Useful Phrases[edit | edit source]

To ask for a specific fruit, use the following phrase:

- ممكن تجيبلي (name of the fruit)؟ (Mumkin tjeblay [name of the fruit]? - Can you bring me [name of the fruit]?)

To ask for a selection of fruits, use the following phrase:

- ممكن تجيبلي فاكهة؟ (Mumkin tjeblay fakha? - Can you bring me fruits?)

To express your preference or dislike, use the following phrases:

- أحب (name of the fruit). (Oheb [name of the fruit]. - I like [name of the fruit].) - لا أحب (name of the fruit). (La oheb [name of the fruit]. - I don't like [name of the fruit].)

Cultural Tidbits[edit | edit source]

Fruits are an important part of the Mesopotamian Arabic diet and cuisine. They are consumed on their own as a snack, as a dessert, or as part of a main dish such as a salad. Dates, in particular, are considered a staple and are widely used in many traditional dishes.

In Mesopotamian Arabic, fruits are also used to describe certain physical features or characteristics. For example, someone with plump cheeks can be described as having the shape of a peach (خوخ khawkh), and someone with a red complexion can be described as having the color of a tomato (طماطم tamatem).

To learn more about Mesopotamian Arabic find native speakers and ask them any questions! You can also improve your vocabulary by visiting the Vocabulary page on Polyglot Club.

Sources[edit | edit source]

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