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Time in Malay

Halo! Malay Learners! 😃

➡ In today's lesson we will learn how to express TIME in Malay.

Happy learning!

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Drinks, How to say "Good Bye"?, Countries & Months of the year.

Malay English
Pukul berapa sekarang ? What time is it?
jam tangan (wrist)watch
jam dinding clock
jam hour
minit minute
saat second
pagi morning
tengah hari midday, noon
petang afternoon
hari, siang day
malam evening


tengah malam midnight
kelmarin day before yesterday
semalam yesterday
hari ini today
esok tomorrow
lusa day after tomorrow
minggu week
hujung minggu week-end
cuti holidays, vacation
bulan month
musim seasons
tahun year
Selamat tahun baru ! Happy new year!
Selamat hari jadi ! Happy birthday!
Selamat hari Krismas ! Merry Christmas!
kalendar calendar
abad century
Cymraeg English
lalu past
sekarang present
masa ini now
akan, masa hadapan future
dahulu, sebelum before
selepas after

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