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Aseγti n ukayad wis sin/Correction of the second exam 

Dagi γur-wen aseγti n ukayad wis sin γef yisem.

Here you have the correction of the second exam about noun.


1/ Anamek n yisem deg tutlayt taqbaylit :

The meaning of "noun" in kabyle language :

Isem d awal yeskanayen : amdan , axut (aγersiw), imγi neγ taγawsa.

The noun is a word which means : a person, an animal, a plant or a thing.

2/ Sin (2) yismawen n wemdan / Two (2) nouns of "person" : aqcic/boy, amγar/old man

Sin (2) yismawen n waxut / Two (2) nouns of "animal" : izimer/lamb, awtul/rabbit

Sin (2) yismawen n yemγi / Two (2) nouns of "plant" : ifires/pear, tiskert/garlic

Sin (2) yismawen n tγawsa / Two (2) nouns of "thing" : azru/stone, tismin/jealousy

3/ Amgarad yellan ger "taγawsa takmamt" d "tγawsa tamadwant" :

The difference between "concrete thing" and "abstract thing" :

Taγawsa takmamt d taγawsa i nezmer ad nennal neγ ad nwali maca taγawsa tamadwant ur nezmir ad ţţ-nennal neγ ad ţţ-nwali, neţţhulfu-yas kan.

Concrete thing is a thing that we can touch or see but abstract thing is a thing that we cannot touch or see, we can just feel it.


4/ Sin (2) yismawen n tγawsa takmamt (sin yismawen ikmamen) / Two (2) nouns of "concrete thing" : aldun/lead (metal), tilist/border

Sin (2) yismawen n tγawsa tamadwant (sin yismawen imadwanen) / Two (2) nouns of "abstract thing" : asgunfu/rest, targit/dream

5/ Isem γur-s kraḍ (3) n wudmawen A noun has three (3) kinds :

- Isem amaẓlay/Proper noun/Nom propre.

- Isem akmam/Concrete noun.

- Isem amadwan/Abstract noun

6/ Isem amaẓlay yebḍa γef sin : Isem amaẓlay n wemdan d yisem amaẓlay n wadeg / There are two kinds of proper noun : proper noun of "person" and proper noun of "place" :

Sin yismawen imaẓlayen n wemdan / Two proper nouns of "person" : Akli, Yidir

Sin yismawen imaẓlayen n wadeg. / Two proper nouns of "place" : Tunes/Tunisia, Agadir/Agadir


1/ Isem γur-s sin waddaden/ A noun has two states :

- Addad ilelli/Free state

- Addad amaruz/State of annexation

2/ Addaden n yisem d wanwi d isemawen i yellan deg waddad ilelli d wid yellan deg waddad amaruz deg twinasin-agi :

States of the noun and what are the nouns that are in free state and those that are in state of annexation in these following sentences :

        Addad illelli/Free state / Addad amaruz/State of annexation

Aselmad yura (The teacher wrote) / Yura uselmad (The teacher wrote)

(The first vowel “a” of “aselmad” changes to “u”, so we obtain “uselmad”)

Aqcic iţţru (The boy cried) / Iţţru weqcic (The boy cried)

(The first vowel “a” of “aqcic” changes to “we”, so we obtain “weqcic”)

Irgazen xedmen(The men worked) / Xedmen yergazen (The men worked)

(The first vowel “i” of “irgazen” changes to “ye”, so we obtain “yergazen”)

Taqcict tura (The girl wrote)  / Tura teqcict (The girl wrote)

(The first vowel “a” of “taqcict” changes to “e”, so we obtain “teqcict”)

Tiqcicin cebḥent (the girls are beautiful) / Cebḥent teqcicin (The girls are beautiful)

(The first vowel “i” of “tiqcicin” changes to “e”, so we obtain “teqcicin”)

Tamellalt teţweč (The egg is eaten) / Teţweč tmellalt (The egg is eaten)

(The first vowel “a” of “tamellalt” is deleted, so we obtain “tmellalt”)

Tafunast (Cow/vache) / Yiwet tfunast (One cow/Une vache)

(The first vowel “a” of “tafunast” is deleted, so we obtain “tfunast”)

Uccen iswa aman (The jackal drank water) / Iswa wuccen aman (The jackal drank water)

(We added the letter “w” at the beginning of “uccen”, we obtain “wuccen”)

Ul inu yeṛṛez (My heart is broken) / Yeṛṛez wul inu (My heart is broken) (We added the letter “w” at the beginning of “ul”, we obtain “wul”)

Aldun yefsi (The lead is molten) / Yefsi waldun (The lead is molten)

(We added the letter “w” at the beginning of “aldun”, we obtain “waldun”)

Izem yelluẓ (The lion is hungry) /  Yelluẓ yizem (The lion is hungry)

(We added the letter “y” at the beginning of “izem”, we obtain “yizem”)

Imi yeldi (The mouth is open) /  Yeldi yimi (The mouth is open)

(We added the letter “y” at the beginning of “imi”, we obtain “yimi”)

Imawen ldin (The mouths are open) / Ldin yimawen (The mouths are open)

(We added the letter “y” at the beginning of “imawen”, we obtain “yimawen”)

3/ Ayen i d-yeskanayen ma yella waddad n yisem d ilelli neγ d amaruz :

What shows if a state of the noun is free or of annexation :

D amagrad id-yeskanayen ma yella waddad n yisem d ilelli neγ d amaruz.

It’s the initial vowel that shows us if the noun is in a free state or in a state of annexation.

4/ Di tegti, amagrad n yisem amalay yeţţuγal d “w” deg wasuf, d “y” deg wesget.

Generally, the initial vowel of the masculine noun becomes “w” in the singular, “y” in the plural. 

Amedya/Example :

Axxam/House --> Tawurt n wexxam/The door of the house (“w”)

Ixxamen/Houses -->Tiwwura n yexxamen/The doors of the houses (“y”)

Amγar/Old man   --> Afus n wemγar/The hand of the old man (“w”)

Imγaren/Old men  --> Ifassen n yemγaren/The hands of old men (“y”)

5/ Amagrad n yisem izmer ad yili d “y” deg wasuf, d “y” deg wesget mi ara ad yili deg waddad amaruz. :

The initial vowel of the noun can be "y" in the singular and "y" in the plural when it's in state of annexation :

Amedya/Example :

Izem/lion  --> Imi n yizem/The mouth of the lion (“y”)

Izmawen/lions  --> Imawen n yizmawen/The mouths of the lions (“y”)

6/ Mi ara yili yisem d unti, di tegti amagrad iγelli deg waddad amaruz :

In general when a noun is feminine, the initial vowel is removed in the state of annexation :

Amedya/Example :

Taxxamt/Room --> Tawwurt n texxamt/The door of the room  (a - e)

Tixxamin/Rooms --> Tiwwura n texxamin/The doors of the rooms (i-e)

7/ Amagrad n yisem asuf neγ n yisem asget izmer ad iţwakkes deg waddad amaruz :

The initial vowel of the singular noun or of the plural noun can be removed in the state of annexation :

.Amedya/Example :

Tamellalt/Egg --> Yiwet tmellalt/One egg (the vowel “a” is deleted)

Timellalin/Eggs --> Atas tmellalin/A lot of eggs (the vowel “i” is deleted)

8/ Isem yeţţili d ilelli mi ara :

The noun is in a free state when :

a/ Isem yezwar amyag/The noun pecedes the verb :

Amedya/Example :

Argaz yura = The man wrote 

(the noun “Argaz/man precedes the   verb “yura/wrote, so “Argaz” doesn’t change).

b/ Tazelγa ”d” n tilawt tezwar isem/The particle “d” of reality precedes the noun :

Amedya/Example :

Aqcic/Boy  -->  Lutfi d aqcic = Lotfi is a boy

(the particle “d/is precedes the noun “aqcic/boy, so “aqcic” doesn’t change).  

c/ Tanzeγt “s” n tnila tezwar isem/The preposition “s” of direction precedes the noun :

Amedya/Example :

Aγerbaz/School --> Uγalleγ s aγerbaz = I returned to the schhol

(the preposition “s/to precedes the noun “aγerbaz/school, so “aγerbaz” doesn’t change)

d/ Asmi ara yili yisem d asemmad/When the noun is a complement :

Amedya/Example :

Ayefki/milk -->  Aqcic yeswa ayefki = The boy drank a milk

(the noun “ayefki/milk is a complement, so “ayefki” doesn’t change).

9/ Isem yeţţili d amaruz mi ara :

The noun is in a state of annexation when :

a/ Amyag yezwar isem/The verb pecedes the noun :

Amedya/Example :

Yusa-d umaziγ = The Berber came (Yusa-d (amaziγ))

(the verb “Yusa/came precedes the noun “amaziγ/berber, so “amaziγ” becomes “umaziγ”). (We don’t say Yusa-d amaziγ, we say Yusa-d umaziγ)

b/ Isem yezwar isem/The noun pecedes the noun :

Amedya/Example :

Imru n waldun = The lead pencil (literally : The pen of lead) (Imru n (aldun))

(the noun “Imru/pen precedes the noun “aldun/lead(metal), so “aldun” becomes “waldun”). (We don’t say Imru n aldun, we say Imru n waldun)

c/ Tanzeγt tezwar isem/The preposition pecedes the noun :

Amedya/Example :

Taqcict d weqcic = The boy and the girl  (Taqcict d (aqcic))

(the preposition “d/and precedes the noun “aqcic/boy, so “aqcic” becomes “weqcic”). (We don’t say Taqcict d aqcic, we say Taqcict d weqcic)

d/  Amḍan yezwar isem/The number pecedes the noun :

Amedya/Example :

Llan mraw sin wagguren = There are twelve months (Llan mraw sin (agguren))

(the number “mraw sin/twelve precedes the noun “agguren/months, so “agguren” becomes “wagguren”). (We don’t say mraw sin agguren, we say mraw sin wagguren)

e/ Amqim Ameskan yezwar isem/The demonstrative pronoun pecedes the noun :

Amedya/Example :

Atan wemcic = This is a cat/Voici un chat (Atan/This is/Voici) (Atan (amcic))

(the demonstrative pronoun “Atan/Here is, This is precedes the noun “amcic/cat, so “amcic” becomes “wemcic”). (We don’t say Atan amcic, we say Atan wemcic)


1/ Llan kra n yismawen ur ţbeddilen ara, γur-sen yiwet talγa ama deg waddad ilelli ama deg waddad amaruz :

There are some nouns that dont change, they have one form in both cases (free state and state of annexation) :

Semmus (5) yismawen I yellan akka-agi :

Five (5) nouns that are like this :

Tala, Tuγmest, Tizi, Ilili, Taddart

Semmus (5) tefyirin i deg ad tesxedmeḍ ismawen-agi :

Five (5) sentences in which you use these nouns :

Tala/Fountain  ---> seg + tala ---> seg tala/from the fountain (no change)

Uγaleγ-d seg tala/I came back from the fountain (no change)

Tala tebna/The fountain is built ---> Tebna tala/The fountain is built (no change)

Tuγmest/Tooth ---> γef + tuγmest  ---> γef tuγmest/about tooth (no change)

Tuγmest terka/The tooth is carious  ---> Terka tuγmest/The tooth is carious (no change)

Tizi/Hill ---> deg + tizi ---> deg tizi/in the hill (no change)

Tizi tecbeḥ/The hill is beautiful ---> Tecbeḥ tizi/The hill is beautiful (no change)

 Ilili/Oleander,rosebay/Laurier-rose ---> n + ilili ---> n ilili/of the rosbay (no change)

 Ilili rẓag/The rosebay is bitter ---> Rẓag ilili/The rosebay is bitter (no change)

Taddart /Village---> deg + taddart ---> deg taddart/in the village (no change)

Taddart ẓeddiget/The village is clean ---> Zeddiget taddart/The village is clean (no change)

2/ Ismawen imalayen ur nbeddu-yara s teγri ur γur-sen ara amaruz :

Masculine nouns that dont begin with a vowel, they dont have state of annexation.

Sin yismawen imalayen i yeqnen ar tamawt-agi :

Two masculine nouns that are related to this remark :

Fad, Gma

Snat tefyirin i deg ad tesxedmeḍ ismawen-agi :

Two sentences in which you use these nouns :

Fad yenγa-t/The thirst killed him ---> Yenγa-t Fad/The thirst killed him (no change)

Gma yezdeγ deg taddart/My brother lives in a village ---> Deg taddart i yezdeγ Gma (My brother lives in a village) (no change)

3/ Ismawen untiyen ur nbeddu-yara s “t” ur γur-sen ara amaruz :

Feminine nouns that dont begin with "t", they dont have state of annexation :

Sin yismawen untiyen i yeqnen ar tamawt-agi :

Two feminine nouns that are related to this remark :

Yemma, Weltma

Snat tefyirin i deg ad tesxedmeḍ ismawen-agi :

Two sentences in which you use these nouns :

Yemma telluẓ/My mother is hungry ---> Telluẓ yemma/My mother is hungry  (no change)

Weltma teγγar deg uγerbaz/My sister studies at school ---> Teγγar Weltma deg uγerbaz (My sister studies at school) (no change)

All Kabyle Exams[edit | edit source]

  1. Alphabet Questions | Answers
  2. Noun Questions | Answers

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