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Judeo-Iraqi Arabic Vocabulary - Drinks

Hi Judeo-Iraqi Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn the vocabulary related to drinks in Judeo-Iraqi Arabic language. Drinks are part of our daily lives, and it's essential to know how to order them in Arabic when you are in an Arabic-speaking country.

Tea and Coffee[edit | edit source]

Tea and coffee are essential parts of Arab cultures. Arabs love to drink tea in the morning and after meals, and coffee is a sign of hospitality.

Judeo-Iraqi Arabic Pronunciation English
شاي shay tea
قهوة qahwa coffee
كرك kark hibiscus tea
نعناع nana mint tea

Example Dialogue

  • Person 1: اعطيني فنجان شاي (Give me a cup of tea)
  • Person 2: تريد شاي اسود او شاي بالمنتجات؟ (Do you want black tea or tea with additives?)
  • Person 1: يمكني شاي بالحليب والسكر (I want tea with milk and sugar)

Juices and Sodas[edit | edit source]

Juices and sodas are becoming more and more popular in Arab cultures. Many fruits like citrus fruits, pomegranates, and apricots are grown in Arab countries, and they use them to make delicious fresh juices.

Judeo-Iraqi Arabic Pronunciation English
عصير برتقال asir burtuqal orange juice
ليموناضة limunada lemonade
كولا kola cola
سفن اب sevven ap 7up

Example Dialogue

  • Person 1: خلي صدام عصير برتقال (Give me a glass of orange juice)
  • Person 2: معليش، ما عندي عصير برتقل، بس عندي ليموناضة (Sorry, I don't have orange juice, but I only have lemonade)
  • Person 1: ما عليش، خلي ليموناضة بدالها (It's okay, give me lemonade instead)

Alcoholic Drinks[edit | edit source]

Drinking alcohol is prohibited in Islam, which is the dominant religion in most Arab countries. However, in some of these countries, non-Muslims are allowed to drink alcohol in designated areas, like hotels or bars. Here are some of the most common alcoholic drinks in Arabic:

Judeo-Iraqi Arabic Pronunciation English
خمر khamr wine
بيرة beer beer
ويسكي wisiki whiskey

Example Dialogue

  • Person 1: اعطيني كاس بيرة (Give me a glass of beer)
  • Person 2: معليش، نحن محرمين عن بيع الكحول (Sorry, we are prohibited from selling alcohol)
  • Person 1: اوكي، فماذا لديكم للشرب؟ (Okay, what do you have to drink then?)

Other Drinks[edit | edit source]

There are many other drinks that Arabs like to drink. For example, Laban, which is a type of yogurt drink, is very popular in the Middle East.

Judeo-Iraqi Arabic Pronunciation English
لبن laban yogurt drink
ماء ma'a water

Example Dialogue

  • Person 1: رجاء اعطيني لبن (Please give me a yogurt drink)
  • Person 2: هل تريد لبن مع خيار و نعناع؟ (Do you want yogurt drink with cucumber and mint?)
  • Person 1: لا، فقط لبن عادي (No, just plain yogurt drink)

It's essential to know the vocabulary related to drinks if you want to feel comfortable when you order them in Arabic. To improve your Judeo-Iraqi Arabic Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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