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Prepositions in Indonesian
Prepositions in Indonesian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨PREPOSITIONS¨ in Indonesian

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions !

Happy learning ! :)

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Indonesian Nouns & Conditional Mood.

Prepositions in Indonesian[edit | edit source]





at di dih à / às
against melawan meh lah wahn contra
about tentang tehn tahn sobre (a respeito)
below di bawah dih bah wahH abaixo
before sebelum seh beh loom antes
between antara ahn tah rah entre
behind dibelakang dih beh lah kahn atrás
but tapi tah pih mas
during selama seh lah mah durante
from dari dah rih de (origem)
in di dih em / no / na
of dari dah rih (de) / (da) / (dos) / (das)
on di dih sobre (encima)
under dibawah dih bah wahH embaixo
with dengan dehn gahn com
without tanpa tahn pah sem

Videos[edit | edit source]

LEARN INDONESIAN | PREPOSITION di & PREFIX di- - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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