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Icelandic Vocabulary - Food

In today's lesson, we will learn some basic Icelandic words related to food. We will also learn some phrases using these words. Please feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Clothes, Greetings, Express Surprise & Basic phrases: I don't understand something.

Main Words[edit | edit source]

Word in Icelandic Pronunciation English Translation
mataræði [ˈmatarɛiːði] meal
kaffi [ˈkafːi] coffee
brauð [ˈprauð] bread
mjólk [ˈmjoulk] milk
sykur [ˈsʏːkʏr] sugar
ostur [ˈostʏr] cheese
egg [ˈeɣ] egg
kökur [ˈcøːkʏr] cake
grænmeti [ˈgrɛinˌmeːti] vegetables
fiskur [ˈfiskʏr] fish
kjöt [ˈcjœːt] meat
ávöxtur [ˈɔːvœkstʏr] fruit
súkkulaði [ˈsʏkːʊlaði] chocolate
te [teː] tea

Phrases[edit | edit source]

  • Ég vil borða mataræði. (ˈeɣ ˈvɪl ˈpɔrtːa ˈmatarɛiːði) – I want to eat a meal.
  • Ég vil hafa kaffi. (ˈeɣ ˈvɪl ˈhafa ˈkafːi) – I want to have coffee.
  • Ég vil borða brauð með osti. (ˈeɣ ˈvɪl ˈpɔrtːa ˈprauð ˈmeð ˈosti) – I want to eat bread with cheese.
  • Ég vil borða egg með sykri. (ˈeɣ ˈvɪl ˈpɔrtːa ˈeɣ ˈmeð ˈsʏːkri) – I want to eat eggs with sugar.
  • Ég vil borða grænmeti. (ˈeɣ ˈvɪl ˈpɔrtːa ˈgrɛinˌmeːti) – I want to eat vegetables.
  • Ég vil borða fisk með kökum. (ˈeɣ ˈvɪl ˈpɔrtːa ˈfisk ˈmeð ˈcøːkʏm) – I want to eat fish with cakes.
  • Ég vil borða kjöt með mjólk. (ˈeɣ ˈvɪl ˈpɔrtːa ˈcjœːt ˈmeð ˈmjoulk) – I want to eat meat with milk.
  • Ég vil borða ávöxtur með súkkulaði. (ˈeɣ ˈvɪl ˈpɔrtːa ˈɔːvœkstʏr ˈmeð ˈsʏkːʊlaði) – I want to eat fruits with chocolate.
  • Ég vil hafa te með sykri. (ˈeɣ ˈvɪl ˈhafa ˈteː ˈmeð ˈsʏːkri) – I want to have tea with sugar.

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

Common Food Phrases in Icelandic Language - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Food in Icelandic - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Icelandic words for Food : Living abroad - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]


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