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Halh Mongolian Vocabulary - Health

Hi Halh Mongolian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on vocabulary related to health. Health is an important aspect of our lives and it is essential to know how to express and understand health-related terms in any language. Let's get started!

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Ordinal Numbers & Computers.

Basic Terms[edit | edit source]

Here are some basic terms related to health:

Halh Mongolian Pronunciation English
Эм ам Em am Health
Эмнэлэг Emneleg Hospital
Эмч Emch Doctor
Сандал Sandal Nurse
Санал хүсэлт Sanal khüsel Prescription

Here is a dialogue to help you use these words in a conversation:

  • Person 1: Тэр нь эмнэлэгт орж иржээ. (Ter n emnelegt orj irejee.) (He/She went to the hospital.)
  • Person 2: Эрүүл мэндийн төлөө гарч ирээд, эмчилгээ авч болно. (Eruul mendii tölöö garch ireed, emchilgee avch bolno.) (After getting your health insurance, you can see a doctor.)

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

It is important to describe your symptoms to your doctor, so here are some words related to symptoms:

Halh Mongolian Pronunciation English
Улс тасархай Uls tasarkhai Fever
Цэвэр тэмдэг Tsever temdeg Clear sign
Утаа арга Utaa arga Toothache
Амьсгал Amsgal Appetite
Уулзах Uulzah Vomit

Here is a dialogue to help you use these words in a conversation:

  • Person 1: Минийт онгоцны улс тасархай байгаа. (Miniit ongotsny uls tasarkhai baigaa.) (I have a high fever.)
  • Person 2: Уулзаж боловсруулж болохоор юу хийх вэ? (Uulzaj bolovsruulj bolokhoor yu khekh ve?) (What should I do to stop vomiting?)

Medical Examinations[edit | edit source]

When you are not feeling well, doctors may conduct different examinations to check your health. Here are some words related to medical examinations:

Halh Mongolian Pronunciation English
Эрүүл ахуйн нэмэлт тайлан Eruul akhuin nemelt tailan Medical report
Тодорхой хяналт Todorhoi hyanalt Specific examination
Судлах тоног Sudlakh tonog Medical equipment
Анхаарал танд Anhaaral tand Warning to you
Сэргэлээ Sergelen Recover

Here is a dialogue to help you use these words in a conversation:

  • Person 1: Бас үүнийгээ хүргүүлээд, тодорхой хяналт хийнэ үү. (Bas uu niigeeree khürgüüleed, todorhoi hyanalt hiine uu.) (Please take this and do a specific examination.)
  • Person 2: Хэрэв өөрийн илрэл байвал танд анхаарал өгч дараа нь эмчилгээ авч болохыг зөвшөөрчихчихвэ? (Kherev ööriin ilrel baival tand anhaaral ögch daraa n emchilgee avch bolokhig zovshoorchikhchiv? (If I have a warning for myself, can I see a doctor later?)

Healthy Lifestyle[edit | edit source]

To maintain good health, it is important to practice healthy habits. Here are some words related to a healthy lifestyle:

Halh Mongolian Pronunciation English
Хоолны байдал Kholny baidal Diet
Хөдөлгөөнтэй хамтдаа Khödölgööntei hamtdaa Exercise together
Шар мар шарх Shar mar sharh Fresh air
Мэдрүүлэх Medrüülekh Relaxation
Жигд суусан Jigd suusan Hydrated

Here is a dialogue to help you use these words in a conversation:

  • Person 1: Энэ удаад хоолноо өөрчилөөд, хөдөлгөөн хийнэ гэсэн мэт хүсэлтэй байгаа. (Ene udaad hoolnoo öörchilööd, khödölgöön khiine gesen met khüseltee baigaa.) (I want to change my diet and start exercising.)
  • Person 2: Танд шар мар шарх зайлсхийхийн тулд ямар зорилготой мэдрүүлэх зүйлс гаргаж болно. (Tand shar mar sharh zailskhikhii oold yamar zorilgotoi medrüülekh züiils gargaj bolno.) (I can suggest something that is important for you to relax and to have fresh air.)

Don't forget to practice your vocabulary with native speakers and ask them any questions about health or anything else. You can also improve your Halh Mongolian vocabulary by reading and listening to Halh Mongolian news or watching movies.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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