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Adverbs in Esperanto
Adverbs in Esperanto

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn how to use ¨ADVERBS¨ in Esperanto.

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Happy learning ! :)

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: Basic Phrases in Esperanto, Family, Weathers & Farm.

Adverbs in Esperanto[edit | edit source]

Never Neniam neh nih ahm Nunca
Sometimes Foje foh yeh Ás vezes
Often Ofte ohf teh Freqüentemente
Usually Kutime kou tih meh Usualmente
Seldom Malofte mah lohf teh Raramente
Rarely Malofte mah lohf teh Raramente
Normally Normale nohr mah leh Normalmente
Always Ĉiam chih ahm Sempre
Last year Pasintjare pah sihn tyah reh Ano passado
Last month Pasintmonate pah sihnt moh nah teh Mês passado
Last week Lasta semajno lahs tah seh mah ih noh Semana Anterior
Yesterday Hieraŭ hih eh rah ou Ontem
Today Hodiaŭ hoh dih ow Hoje
Tomorrow Morgaŭ mohr gah ou Amanhã
Later Poste pohs teh Mais tarde
Soon Baldaŭ bahl dow Em breve
Now Nun noon Agora
Tonight Ĉi-vespere chih-vehs peh reh Esta noite
Already Jam yahm
Then Tiam tih ahm Então
Here Jen yehn Aqui
There Tie tih eh
Far Malproksime mahl prohk sih meh Longe
Nearby Proksime prohk sih meh Próximo
Inside Interne ihn tehr neh Lado de dentro
Outside Ekstere ehks teh re Lado de fora

Videos[edit | edit source]

Esperanto lesson 3: Pronouns, infinitives, present tense, adverbs ...[edit | edit source]

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