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Geometry in Corsican

Salutu Corsican Learners! 😃

➡ In today's lesson you will learn the geometric shapes in Corsican.

Happy learning!

Consider exploring these related pages after completing this lesson: Family, Food, Cardinal points & Feelings and Emotions.

a geometria, a geumetria - geometry[edit | edit source]

u triangulu

le triangle

a lusanga, a losanga, u rombu

le losange - rhombus

u rettangulu

le rectangle

u quadratu, u quatratu

le carré - square

u pentagunu, u pentagonu

le pentagone

l'esagunu, l'esagonu


l'uvale, l'ovale, l'ellisse

l'ovale, l'ellipse

u chjerchju, u chierchiu

le cercle - circle

a piramide, a piramida

la pyramide

u conu

le cône - cone

u cilindru

le cylindre - cylinder

a sfera

la sphère - sphere

u cubu

le cube

l'angulu - l'angle

u puligunu, u poligonu - le polygone

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