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Chadian Arabic Vocabulary - Geography

Hi Chadian Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will explore vocabulary related to geography in Chadian Arabic. Did you know that Chad is the fifth-largest country in Africa? Let's get started! 🗺️

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Basic Geography[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some basic geography terms:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
الكوكب الأرض alkawkb al'ard the planet Earth
القارة alqarat continent
البلد albald country
المنطقة almunṭaqah region
المدينة almadinah city
الجبل aljabal mountain
النهر annahr river
  • Person 1: ما هي عاصمة تشاد؟ (Ma hiya ʿasimatan tshad?) (What is the capital of Chad?)
  • Person 2: عاصمة تشاد هي نجامينا. (ʿasimatan tshad hiya Najamina.) (The capital of Chad is N'Djamena.)

Landscapes[edit | edit source]

Now, let's learn some vocabulary related to landscapes:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
الجبل الأخضر aljabal al'akhḍar the green mountain
الوادي alwadii the valley
السهل assahil the plain
الصحراء aṣ-ṣaḥrā the desert
الشاطئ aš-šatiʾ the beach
  • Person 1: أنا أحب الجبال. (Ana aḥibb aljabal.) (I love mountains.)
  • Person 2: أنا أحب الشاطئ. (Ana aḥibb aš-šatiʾ.) (I love the beach.)

Climate[edit | edit source]

Now, let's learn some vocabulary related to climate:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
الطقس aṭ-ṭiqs weather
المناخ almanākh climate
الحرارة alḥarārah heat
البرد albarad cold
  • Person 1: كيف الطقس اليوم؟ (Kayf alṭiqs alyawm?) (How is the weather today?)
  • Person 2: الطقس حار جداً اليوم. (Aṭ-ṭiqs ḥar jiddan alyawm.) (The weather is very hot today.)

Water Bodies[edit | edit source]

Let's learn some vocabulary related to water bodies:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
البحر albaḥr sea
البحيرة albaihra lake
  • Person 1: هل تحب السباحة في البحر؟ (Hal tuḥibbu assibāḥah fī albaḥr?) (Do you like swimming in the sea?)
  • Person 2: نعم، أحب السباحة في البحر. (Naʿam, aḥibbu assibāḥah fī albaḥr.) (Yes, I like swimming in the sea.)

Points of Interest[edit | edit source]

Finally, let's learn some vocabulary related to points of interest:

Chadian Arabic Pronunciation English
المعلم السياحي almuʿallim assiyāḥī tourist attraction
المسجد almasjid mosque
  • Person 1: ما هو أشهر معلم سياحي في تشاد؟ (Ma huwa ashhar muʿallim siyāḥī fī Tshad?) (What is the most famous tourist attraction in Chad?)
  • Person 2: أشهر معلم سياحي في تشاد هو جبل تيبيستي. (Ashhar muʿallim siyāḥī fī Tshad huwa jabal Tībīsty.) (The most famous tourist attraction in Chad is Tibesti Mountain.)

That's it for today's lesson! Remember, to improve your Chadian Arabic Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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