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Conditional Mood > Future Conditional in Armenian

Conditional Mood[edit | edit source]

The conditional mood has two tenses:

  1. Future Conditional
  2. Past Conditional

Let us study first, the Future Conditional.

What is the Armenian Future Conditional ?[edit | edit source]

The future conditional is used for expressing actions or events that probably will happen or will happen under certain conditions. The future conditional tense is formed in the same way as the subjunctive mood – with the addition of the letter կ in front of the verb.

What are the Forms of future conditional in Armenian?[edit | edit source]

Armenian-Language-Conditional Mood 1 PolyglotClub.jpg

Armenian Future Conditional : Examples[edit | edit source]

1) Ես մյուս տարի կգնամ Գյումրի: I will go to Gyumri next year.

2) Երբ վերադառնամ տուն, կպատմեմ։ When I return home, I will tell.

Notice that in sentence 1) nothing is said about the condition(s), in case of which I will go to Gyumri. That the conditional future can be used without explicitly stating the conditions, makes certain uses of the future conditional similar to that of the future indicative we have covered above. Both of these structures are frequently used for referring to future actions and events, however “Ես մյուս տարի գնալու եմ Գյումրի:” is more certain than the sentence “Ես մյուս տարի կգնամ Գյումրի։” In sentence 2) the conditional is stated. The (pre)condition of me telling, is that I return home.

Affirmative To Be in the Future Conditional in Armenian[edit | edit source]

The affirmative verb “to be” in the conditional future tense becomes:

Ես կլինեմ  Մենք կլինենք 
Դու կլինես  Դուք կլինեք 
Նա կլինի  Նրանք կլինեն 

1) Եկող տարի կլինեմ տասը տարեկան։ Next year I will be 10 years old.

2) Վեց ամիս հետո նրանք հարուստ կլինեն։ They will be rich after 6 months.

Negative of the verb “to be” in the Future Conditional in Armenian[edit | edit source]

The negative of the verb “to be” is conjugated as follows.

ես չեմ լինի մենք չենք լինի դու չես լինի դուք չեք լինի նա չի լինի նրանք չեն լինի

The negative future conditional is formed with the help of corresponding negative future auxiliary and the 3rd person singular form of the verb in subjunctive future.

Armenian-Language-Conditional Mood 2 PolyglotClub.jpg

EXAMPLES : Negative of the verb “to be” in the Future Conditional in Armenian[edit | edit source]

Here are a few sentences that use negative future conditionals:

  1. Նա ոչ մի տեղ չի լողա։ She will not swim anywhere.
  2. Մենք առանց քեզ չենք քայլի։ We will not walk without you.
  3. Նա ոչ մեկին չի օգնի։ He will help nobody.
  4. Ես գիտեմ, որ դուք ինձ չեք սպասի։ I know that you will not wait for me.
  5. Եթե դու ինձ չօգնես, ես երկու տարի հետո բժիշկ չեմ լինի։ If you do not help me, I will not be a doctor in two years.
  6. Եթե նա լավ չսովորի, նա գործարար չի դառնա։ If she does not study well, she will not become a businesswoman.

Pay attention to sentences 4) and 5). These are complex sentences: they are composed of more than one sentence. Their main sentences are correspondingly “երկու տարի հետո բժիշկ չեմ լինի” and “նա գործարար չի դառնա։” These sentences, as you probably notice, have verbs in future conditional. The secondary sentences “դու ինձ չօգնես” and “նա լավ չսովորի” are in subjunctive. Subjunctive is also used in other similar clauses with երբ - “when”, որ - “that”, and որպեսզի - “so that”, “in order to.”

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