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Threats to Safety in Amharic

Words[edit | edit source]

Below is a list of Amharic vocabulary words and phrases related to threats to safety, along with their English translations:

  • ደህንነት (dähinät) - Safety
  • አደጋ (ädäga) - Danger
  • ጥፋት (ṭifät) - Destruction
  • ወንጀል (wänjäl) - Crime
  • መተቃቀፍ (mätäqäqäf) - Attack
  • ማጥፋት (maṭifät) - To harm
  • መጥቃት (mäṭiqät) - To attack
  • ማስጨጨት (masäččät) - To threaten
  • አሳሳቢ (asasabi) - Alarming
  • ወንጀለኛ (wänjäläña) - Criminal
  • ማዳን (madan) - Rescue
  • ድንጋጤ (dängätä) - Emergency
  • እሳት (əsat) - Fire
  • ግድያ (gədəya) - Murder
  • ማስጠራቀመት (masäṭäräqämät) - To kidnap
  • ማስተላለፍ (masätälaläf) - To escape
  • አሳዛኝ (asazäñ) - Tragic
  • ግድያ መፈፀም (gədəya mäfäṣäm) - To commit murder
  • ውሽጥ (wušt) - Theft
  • ሌባ (leba) - Thief
  • ማጅራት መቺ (majïrat mäči) - Mugger
  • ዘራፊ (zärafi) - Robber
  • የእሳት አደጋ (yä’ïsat adäga) - Fire accident
  • አውሬ (awre) - Wild animal
  • የመኪና አደጋ (yämäkina adäga) - Car accident
  • ውሻ (wïša) - Dog
  • የምግብ መመረዝ (yämïgïb mämäräz) - Food poisoning
  • ጅብ (jïb) - Hyena
  • ጎርፍ (gorf) - Flood
  • እባብ (ïbab) - Snake

Note: Some of the words in the list are repeated with different meanings (e.g., "ማጥፋት" means both "To harm" and "To destroy"). In this case, I have included both meanings in the list.

Example Sentences:[edit | edit source]

  1. ይህ አካባቢ አደጋ ያለበት ነው። (Yih akababi ädäga yaläbät näw.) This area is dangerous.
  2. የውሽጥ እና የግድያ ወ ንጀሎች በከተማው ውስጥ በመጨመሩ ደህንነቱን ያነሳሳሉ። (Yewušt əna yegədəya wänjäloch bəkätämaw wəst bəmäčämäru dähinätun yanasasalu.) The increase in theft and murder in the city is alarming.
  3. እኛ የመተቃቀፍ ጥያቄ አለን፤ ፖሊስ መጥራት አለብን። (Ǝna yämätäqäqäf ṭiyäqä alän; polis mäṭirat aläbən.) We have a security threat; we need to call the police.
  4. የእሳት አደጋ በቤት ውስጥ ሆኖ ሰዎች ማስተላለፍ አለባቸው። (Yəsat ädäga bəbət wəst hono säwoch masätälaläf aläbachew.) There was a fire emergency in the house, and people needed to escape.
  5. የግድያ መፈፀም እና ማስጨጨት የሕግ ዓላማዎች ናቸው። (Yegədəya mäfäṣäm əna masäččät yehəg ʿalamawoch nachew.) Committing murder and making threats are criminal offenses.

Source[edit | edit source]

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