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Agarabi Vocabulary - Education

Hi Agarabi learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn Agarabi words and expressions related to education. Education is a fundamental part of any culture and understanding its vocabulary is essential to communication.

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Education in Agarabi[edit | edit source]

Education in Agarabi is highly valued and it is considered a path towards success. The Agarabi education system is divided into three levels: primary education, secondary education, and tertiary education. Primary education generally starts at six years old and lasts for six years. Secondary education lasts for six years as well and is divided into three years of lower secondary and three years of upper secondary education. Tertiary education is not compulsory but is encouraged, especially for students who want to pursue postgraduate studies.

The following Agarabi vocabulary will help you understand the Agarabi education system better:

Agarabi Pronunciation English
زنڊوه zendouh school
بكتريا baktarja university
مسهایلوڻي maseyhailuvni teacher
تلہيمون telehimon lesson
طالب علم talib 'alam student
صيان sayan homework
باشوابي bashuwabi textbook
جمعاڻي jamani classmate
انجمن anjuman club

Useful expressions[edit | edit source]

These Agarabi expressions related to education will help you communicate better with Agarabi speakers:

  • حڪومت ۾ مفت شڪيلي || Hukumat meft shekeeli || Free education by government
  • هڪ پنيهاري عرصو غٺي جيسي || Hak panihari arsu ghatee jesee || The value of one educated person is like a thousand labors
  • انجمن ۾ شامل ٿيو || Anjuman mein shamail thiyo || He/She joined a club
  • سنڌ جي سرگرم ٿيو || Sindh ji sargarm thiyo || He/She is busy with studies

Let's now see some Agarabi expressions we can use in a dialogue!

  • Person 1: زندوه کٺو آھي؟ (Zendouh kedo aahi?) (Which school do you go to?)
  • Person 2: جي ساءڳي ۾ پرائيويٽ سڪول ۾ پڑهينديون. (Ji saaghi mein private school mein parhindeyon.) (I study in a private school in the city.)
  • Person 1: بڪتريا کٺو جيا آهيو؟ (Baktrija kedo jiya aahiu?) (Which university did you go to?)
  • Person 2: مونکين پنجاب يونيورسٽي جيا ۾ پارهاتو آهيو. (Mounkin Punjab University jiya mein parhaatau aahiu.) (I studied at University of the Punjab in Lahore.)

Remember, to improve your Agarabi Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this Agarabi education vocabulary lesson, we learned words and expressions related to education. We hope these new words will help you in your daily conversations in Agarabi. Don't hesitate to use these new words with native speakers to practice and get more comfortable with them.

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➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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