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AbkhazianVocabulary0 to A1 CourseNatural Disasters and Emergencies

Heading level 1[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Vocabulary related to Natural Disasters and Emergencies[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In this lesson, you will learn about natural disasters and emergencies in Abkhazian. It is important to know the vocabulary related to these topics in case you find yourself in a situation where you need to describe an emergency or call for help.

Heading level 3[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Here are some common Abkhazian words and phrases related to natural disasters and emergencies:

Abkhazian Pronunciation Mandarin Chinese Translation
Афран aphran 地震 (dìzhèn) Earthquake
Амзахара amzakhara 洪水 (hóngshuǐ) Flood
Пыгьырра pyghyrra 火灾 (huǒzāi) Fire
Сцәырәшә stsəyresha 暴风雨 (bàofēngyǔ) Storm
Аҳыршәара ahyrshara 干旱 (gānhàn) Drought
Аҳыршәара тхәы ahyrshara tky 干旱期 (gānhànqī) Dry season
Афран тхәы aphran tky 地震期 (dìzhènqī) Earthquake season
Сцәырәшә тхәы stsəyresha tky 暴风雨季节 (bàofēngyǔ jìjié) Rainy season
Амзахара тхәы amzakhara tky 洪水季节 (hóngshuǐ jìjié) Flood season

Heading level 3[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Here are some useful phrases to know in case of an emergency:

  • Схәыр аҵәа амзахара! (sxyr athwa amzakhara!) - Call the ambulance!
  • Афран аҵәа тәыргьышәхәу! (aphran athwa tærghyshækhæu!) - Earthquake, take cover!
  • Ахәа афран саҳәа аҵәа тәыргьышәхәу! (akhæa aphran sahæa athwa tærghyshækhæu!) - Fire, evacuate immediately!
  • Сцәырәшә аҵәа әжьырраҵәа амзахара тхәы! (stsəyresha athwa æzhyrrathwa amzakhara tky!) - Storm warning, flood season!

By learning these phrases, you will be able to communicate effectively during times of crisis and get the help you need.

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Conclusion[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

In conclusion, this lesson has provided the basic vocabulary related to natural disasters and emergencies in Abkhazian. It is important to learn these words and phrases in order to be prepared for any situation. Remember to practice and review the vocabulary regularly to ensure that you retain it. Stay safe!

{{#seo: |title=阿布哈兹语词汇→自然灾害和紧急情况|keywords=阿布哈兹语, 词汇, 自然灾害,紧急情况, 0到A1课程|description=在本课程中,您将学习与自然灾害和紧急情况相关的阿布哈兹语词汇,并练习描述不同的情况和反应。} }

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