Vietnam - Polyglot Network

Welcome to Vietnam Polyglot Network!

Welcome to our Vietnam Polyglot Network!

yesLet's learn languages together!yes

“A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language.”

(Gaston Bachelard)


quangpham profile picture quangphamSeptember 2012 are you?
gold_sjc profile picture gold_sjcSeptember 2012
hi, Who can make friend with me?
caoxinhdep profile picture caoxinhdepSeptember 2012
hoanganh_9417 profile picture hoanganh_9417September 2012
hi,i want to improve my English,can you help me,thank you)
  • buithanhhai profile picture buithanhhaiSeptember 2012
    hi , tui cung la nguoi sinh ra o vietnam , tieng anh thi cung biet chut chut a` ko gioi bang ai , mong moi nguoi co the chi giao minh nhju hon , hjhj thanhks everyone !
haanh profile picture haanhSeptember 2012
toi sinh ra o viet nam va toi rat hi vong cac ban co the day cho toi tieng anh
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