Vietnam - مجتمع بوليغلوت

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مرحبا بك Vietnamفي شبكه بولي جلوت

Welcome to our Vietnam Polyglot Network!

yesLet's learn languages together!yes

“A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language.”

(Gaston Bachelard)


depressed123 profile picture depressed123September 2012
be in a lost manner
funnyboy123456 profile picture funnyboy123456September 2012
hi everyone , i want to make friends with all of you
DOKHANH profile picture DOKHANHSeptember 2012
Hi, nice to met you
thanhphong20051 profile picture thanhphong20051September 2012
Hi Everyone,I would like to make friend with anyone from all over world
.إنشاء حدث (Vietnam)


!أنهم يتحدثون عنا

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