THURSDAY PUB CRAWL, Thu, Sep 7, 2023, 7:00 PM

Event description

  • Датум: Sept 07, 2023
  • Time: 19:00
  • Адреса: Address visible for attendees

Join us for an unforgettable Thursday Pub Crawl on September 7, 2023, at 7:00 PM! This event is perfect for language enthusiasts and real-life event organizers like you. Don't miss out on the opportunity to meet fellow travelers, expats, and locals who share your passion.

Check out the amazing photos from our previous pub crawl here. They capture the lively atmosphere and excitement of the event.

For only $5, you'll receive fantastic perks throughout the night. Get your hands on a complimentary pub crawl cap, enjoy a free beer at the first stop, and savor a free shot at each bar on the crawl. Plus, all drinks will be discounted for the entire evening.

The meeting point for this thrilling adventure is at LOST IN SAIGON, located at 51 Bui vien street. Be there at 9:00 PM sharp to kick off the night. We'll be moving to the next stop at 10:00 PM, so make sure to join us on time.

To reserve your spot or for any inquiries, call us at 0903.880.150. Don't miss out on this incredible event that promises endless fun and memorable experiences!

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Media coverage - Polyglot Club
