Houston Language Partners

Event description

The Houston Language Partners is a group that anyone can join who is interested in finding a partner to practice language exchange. Our group has over 2,000 members from over 90 countries spanning over 35 languages.  We hold free speed-friending events for members looking to meet new partners in Houston who want to practice language exchange.

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Media coverage - Polyglot Club


alamomme profile picture alamommeSeptember 2016

Wish I could attend!  I'm in San Antonio and it would be tough to make it for a Wednesday night meeting in Houston as I work first shift.  

I note that the "Polyglots" group on FB is a very active and interesting group for those for whom language study is their passion.  

I also wonder if any of the attendees are planning to attend this amazing conference next month in Greece:  http://polyglotconference.com/agenda Feel free to spread the word about it.  I doubt I'll be able to make it, but it's a unique opportunity to be with other language enthusiasts and attend interesting sessions!

I practice French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, and I'm taking courses in Russian and Japanese.  I have good resources for those who are interested!  Best regards, Michael

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2016

Dear meeting organizer,

Congratulations, your Polyglot group has been added on the Polyglot WIKI. 

Feel free to edit the page and add a small description of your group: 

Most Popular Polyglot Clubs in the World 



Best regards, 

Vincent, admin

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2016
Thanks for proposal. Vincent, admin