United States - rete Polygloti

Welcome to United States Polyglot Network!

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

to the USA Polyglot Club Network!

Hello linguists, amateur and professional alike! My name is Anthony Naprstek and I am the Nebraska Administrator, and my job is easy-make language exciting! I cannot wait to get to know all our active members, and I hope to meet all of you as I have many meetings planned for the future! 

Personally, I am a student at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, and I am double-majoring in Business Marketing and Linguistics. I hope to travel with my career and learn to communicate with as many people in this world as possible. I am a very open person when it comes to ideas or ways to solve a problem, so please do not hesitate to talk to me about anything that comes up. I want feedback on how I am doing, or how I can do better, and if YOU have any ideas for our get-togethers!

Au revoir !


paarch profile picture paarchApril 2008
hi everybody
vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2008
Welcome watercreek07

watercreek07 profile picture watercreek07February 2008
HI, I am from Queens, NY. I just started to learn  Brazilian Portuguese on my own, obviously not succeeding so well. I have many friends who are in/from Brazil, and i want to thanked them for helping me. But some of them who don't know English, I've been writing to them in Portuguese, sometimes they understand me and sometimes they don't...which this can be really frustrating at times. I would greatly appreciate if anyone who knows Brazilian Portuguese could teach me,  especially how to speak it.
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2008
Yes you can create a meeting : this would be a good way to meet every body : click on Create a new Meeting (click on  the meeting tab )
ShiYi profile picture ShiYiJanuary 2008
Hi, I'm from Virginia. :D

I live near Washington D.C so sometimes I will go there to visit with my family.

I'd like to learn any language really but I've got Chinese and Burmese in me so those are the ones that I would like to learn most.

And French since I've a cousin who speaks it. :)

Nice to be here, I hope to meet everyone!

Byebye~ :D
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2008
Hello, I am from France and I like american and irish accents
NeverlandGirl profile picture NeverlandGirlJanuary 2008
Ok, hi, im a little put off by the fact that nobody seems to have written here at all. I'd like to give a shout out. Im from east PA. In the delaware river delta. I don't think we have any perticular accent, but people from Philladelphia tell me I talk like im from Jersey, whatever that means, lol. Ok so tell me where you're from and what's in your area.
moserglea profile picture mosergleaApril 2013
Hi everyone, I am looking for someone to practice my Spanish on. I can help with English. Looking to speak frequently.


colloquetur de nobis!

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