United States - Rede Polyglot

Bem vindo à rede Polyglot!

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

to the USA Polyglot Club Network!

Hello linguists, amateur and professional alike! My name is Anthony Naprstek and I am the Nebraska Administrator, and my job is easy-make language exciting! I cannot wait to get to know all our active members, and I hope to meet all of you as I have many meetings planned for the future! 

Personally, I am a student at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, and I am double-majoring in Business Marketing and Linguistics. I hope to travel with my career and learn to communicate with as many people in this world as possible. I am a very open person when it comes to ideas or ways to solve a problem, so please do not hesitate to talk to me about anything that comes up. I want feedback on how I am doing, or how I can do better, and if YOU have any ideas for our get-togethers!

Au revoir !


Samuel007 profile picture Samuel007December 2010

hello everyobody! i m from turkey, i want to improve my english and to be friends with somebody in other country, please write me :)

Anastasiya3002 profile picture Anastasiya3002November 2010

  Everybody hallov!) I am new in your club, I am russian and I'd like improve my english because I'd like work in America next year!I can help u with russian!

please help me and see you later.
periplo profile picture periploOctober 2010

Hi! I'm a guy from Spain but I'm living in Texas, I really want to improve my english, somebody wanna learn spanish? we can meet by skype. I hope to see you soon!!!!! (please send me an email)

dulat_altynkhanov profile picture dulat_altynkhanovAugust 2010

Hi! My name is Dulat. I'm from Kazakhstan I speak fluently kazakh and russian languages. I wanna communicate with someone who studies in USA  universities

juliajuliochek profile picture juliajuliochekJuly 2010

Hi))))  I'm looking for a friend who could speak english fluently as i'd like to improve my English & to broaden my outlook. I may help you with learning Russian. Wait for your letters)))) Bye))))

Anastasiya1993 profile picture Anastasiya1993July 2010

Hello! My name is Anastasia. I am  of 17 old. I am from Russia (Novosibirsk).  I wish to find new friends, which talk in English!  I study English from the first class, but I don`t have not enough practice...:( I shall be very glad , if somebody will help me!!!  I can you to learn Russian. I wait for you massages!!!:)))))

carol88 profile picture carol88July 2010

Hey you guys.

Im from Brazil and im going to U.S (MN) in december to work with an exchange programn. I really wanna know new people from US and improve my english. I can teach portuguese.  See ya.

Giugib profile picture GiugibJune 2010

hi I'm Giulia i would like to come to USA  to learn english better. I can give hospitality to someone in italy.Please contact mem My number is 3896992992...



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