United States - مجتمع بوليغلوت

نظم اجتماع جديد هنا
اكتب اسم مدينتك :

مرحبا بك United Statesفي شبكه بولي جلوت

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

to the USA Polyglot Club Network!

Hello linguists, amateur and professional alike! My name is Anthony Naprstek and I am the Nebraska Administrator, and my job is easy-make language exciting! I cannot wait to get to know all our active members, and I hope to meet all of you as I have many meetings planned for the future! 

Personally, I am a student at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, and I am double-majoring in Business Marketing and Linguistics. I hope to travel with my career and learn to communicate with as many people in this world as possible. I am a very open person when it comes to ideas or ways to solve a problem, so please do not hesitate to talk to me about anything that comes up. I want feedback on how I am doing, or how I can do better, and if YOU have any ideas for our get-togethers!

Au revoir !


Number3 profile picture Number3January 2013
Hallo, Tiger. Me gustaría aprender alemán. ?Hay alguien aquí con el conocimiento que necesito? I'm a retired journalist y por eso puedo corregir a su inglés también.
Young_Padawan profile picture Young_PadawanDecember 2012
Hello all! I'm from the USA (Washington DC area) and I am desperately seeking someone to help me to learn Amharic. Please help. Thanks!
Ridwan profile picture RidwanDecember 2012
Hello from India to Netherlands
iIsaac3 profile picture iIsaac3October 2012
Helloo, my name is Isaac I'm from Panama i want to improve my english...help me!! D:



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