ALL LANGUAGES conversation New Time 8PM!!

Descrierea evenimentului

  • Data: Oct 07, 2008
  • Timp: 20:00
  • Adresa: Adresă vizibilă pentru participanți
  • Couchsurfing
  • Număr de telefon: 6095756240

**NEW TIME: 8:00 PM**
so that you can watch the debates first!!!!

Click the big blue button at the bottom of the page to invite your friends!

Hello Portland Polyglots!

Join us on Tuesday, October 7th to speak ALL LANGUAGES at a FREE event at McMenamin's Ringlers Pub, under the Crystal Ballroom, on W Burnside at 13th.

Ringlers Pub

The event will begin at 7:00 8:00 PM. We will get a few tables... look for the large Polyglot sign and people wearing name tags. Grab dinner, a beer or cocktail, and enjoy the company of your new multilingual friends.

BRING YOUR FRIENDS to this event.... and be sure to register and RSVP on this site!

Message stefank113 with questions. See you there!

Vorbesc despre noi!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2008
OK Stefan, I have informed the members of the new time

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2008
come on Portland : keep on registering :-)

Invite your friends (click on the big blue button at the bottom)

Mailing sent

Total members in Oregon = 86
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
Thanks Stef,

mailing sent to the members

Total members in Oregon = 79

