Portland Polyglots Potluck Planning Picnic!

Etkinlik Açıklaması

  • Tarih: Aug 30, 2008
  • saat: 18:00
  • Adres: Adres, katılımcılar tarafından görülebilir
  • Couchsurfing
  • Facebook
  • Telefon numarası: 6095756240

Come help build a Polyglot network in our wonderful city of Portland, Oregon. You can be a part of the initial planning process! It's open to all!

I am organizing a Portland chapter of the international Polyglot Club, which is big in Europe (particularly Paris) and is basically a regular set of meetings in bars & cafes where anyone can come and speak all kinds of languages with other attendants. People generally buy a drink, put on a nametag that says what languages they speak or simply sit down at a table with the flag of whatever language is being spoken there. There's lots of friendly confusion and assistance and mid-sentence language switching and it's tons of fun.

This works wonderfully in Europe and some larger cities in the USA... and given the cultural diversity and genuine curiosity of Portlanders, I am sure this will be a huge success here. I am advertising this to various language-specific groups and classes. If you are involved in any second-language programs or communities, please pass this on. I hope that meetings will attract many people from Portland and the rest of Oregon, as well as visitors to the city.

So to kick it off:
a picnic in Couch Park on August 30th at 6pm.
It will be a potluck event so everyone should bring some food or beverages to share with the group. As they do in Paris, we will pass out name tags that will also say which languages you speak. After people have gathered and settled, we will begin a general, open discussion of how to coordinate meetings and get the word out.

So regardless of your foreign language ability, come by and enjoy some food and new friends in Couch Park.
We will be toward the South end of the park, and will have a large sign and table to mark the spot. Come one come all! Even if you cannot come, and are interested, please join the network and send me a message to let me know.


See you there! Please forward widely!

Note: meeting is being promoted here and on CouchSurfing.com. Please take the time to register/RSVP on either site!

Hakkımızda konuşuyorlar!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


AnnaGee profile picture AnnaGeeMay 2013
Is one planned for summer 2013?
vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2008
Congratulations Stefan : great work !! I wish you good luck for your regular meetings!
stefank113 profile picture stefank113August 2008
Thank you

to everyone who came out tonight!

We had speakers of Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Mandarin, Hungarian, Russian, etc. etc......

This was a tremendous turnout for the first event, and I'm sure all the meetings in the future will be even larger.

Thanks to everyone who suggested ideas, spaces, etc. Your ideas are valuable at this stage of the process.

Stay tuned over the next week for our next meeting...

indoors.... with warm conversation and good food and drink....

You seem like a great bunch of people and I am exhausted but satisfied.

Thanks for signing up.


We will soon have meetings a few times a month, in regular settings, with a large base of multilingual participants.

See you soon!

- Stefan
queirozmarianne profile picture queirozmarianneAugust 2008

I liked the idea!!!

Unfortunatelly I won't be able to go, but hopefully you guys will have a great time. Post all the pictures here!!

Also if anybody needs help with portuguese or spanish or english I can tryt o help.

Enjoy and have lots of fun =)


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2008

it looks GOOOOD

Don't forget to post pictures !!

vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2008
Great idea stefank113!!

you seem to have already attended the Paris meeting : is that right ?

I've sent a mailing to the members

