NYC Polyglots

Event description

  • Datum: Oct 16, 2007
  • Time: 07:00
  • Adress: Address visible for attendees


We'll be meeting in the BACK ROOM of
The 11th street bar in the East Village:

510 East 11th Street

See everyone soon!


De talar om oss!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


madess profile picture madessOctober 2015
goo! they are happy......nice
madess profile picture madessOctober 2015
hi, i am happy tovmeet you
vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2007

OK practice well,
and try not to speak English

pat profile picture patOctober 2007
Hope you ALL have FUN tonight! Carrie at the Ira Glass exhib, and Sally and the Polyglot Bunch at the tongue swap shop. Good on you, Claire, FIAF is one of the best, can't go wrong there! Bonne chance a tous =)
sherships profile picture shershipsOctober 2007

Sorry you can't make it, but have a great time seeing ira glass- he's great!


We normally get together for drinks and to practice our languages. It's lots of fun- there are a few other french learners there so I hope you can join us!
carriebr profile picture carriebrOctober 2007
hey everyone, i can't make it, am going to see Ira Glass at MoMA. hope to make it the next time. be in touch, Carrie
clairre101 profile picture clairre101October 2007
What do you guy normally do on meetings? and what are you trying to achieve? thanks. I am learning french and recently enrolled at FIAF.
vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2007

I have sent a mailing to the members,
