Intensive American-English Language & Colombian-Spanish Language
Event description

- Dato: Jun 06, 2022
- Time: 06:00
- Adresse: Address visible for attendees
- Number of Attendees expected: 2
- MAKSIMUM antall deltakere: 30
- Telefonnummer: 808-555-1234
Welcome to the PolyglotClub.Com Hawaiʻi Network Weekly Free Intensive American-English Language & Colombian-Spanish Language words and sentences and social talk and culture exchange and an acquisition language skills exchange study session dual lessons with listening and reading and speaking and typing and writing utilizing text and voice and share screen and share white board and webcam features meeting that will be in an academic educational formal or informal forum format online at the Polyglotclub Chat Room schedule appointment plan of 1 hour and 50 minutes on Mondays at 6:00 A.M. to 7:50 A.M. HAST and on at 12::00 P.M. to 1:50 P.M. EST and on Tuesdays at 4:00 P.M. to 5:50 P.M. GMT. Please request permission from YoBlackBlack to add yourself to this academic educational online class course. Please add yourself to this group. I will send you the URL address link name text message 5 minutes upon the start of the online class course for you to enter the Intensive American-English Language & Colombian-Spanish Language Online Class Course. All are welcome. Please sign up online.
As a prerequisite to participate in the Intensive American-English Language & Colombian-Spanish Language Online Class Course you need personal public information and professional public information and a clear recent facial picture of your face within your PolyglotClub profile page, so I know who I am chatting with or having a language exchange or teaching online.
Here are a list of foreign languages we can study and review and practice and learn and retain and master the Arabic lanuage or Brazilian-Portuguese language or Mandarin-Chinese language or Farsi-Persian language or French langhuage and German language and Hawaiian language or Hebrew language or Japanese language or Kiswahili language or Korean language or Polish language or Russian language or Spanish language or Tagalog language or Tswana language or Twi language or Vietmanese language. All addtional foreign languages are welcome.
Here are a list of subject we can study and review and practice and learn and retain and master are accounting, agriculture, anthropology, aquaculture, armaments, art, astronomy, auto mechanics, aviation flight, aviation mechanics, biology, blogging, business, chemistry, computers, earth science, economics, education, electronics, engineering, environmental science, geology, family resources, financing, health care, human anatomy and physiology, human resources, journalism, law, linguistics, management, mathematics, material science, medicine, meteorology, music, nano technology, nutrition, physics, podcasting, police science, political science, psychology, publishing, science, social justice, soil science, space science, technology, veterinary science, and writing. Music Subjects: guitar and piano and violin, and ukukeke. All additional subjects are welcome.

- YoBlackBlack
June 2022