Zorba's Cafe near the Dupont Circle, Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 5:30 PM
Event description

- Күні: Apr 03, 2025
- Time: 17:30
- Мекен-жайы: Address visible for attendees
- www.meetup.com
Join us at Zorba's Cafe every Thursday evening! Our gathering will take place on the second floor, or if the weather permits, we will be enjoying the fresh air at a street-side table. If you don't see anyone upstairs, it’s likely that we're outside soaking up the atmosphere!
Дорогие участники! Для тех, кто еще не посещал наши встречи, обычно меньше людей записываются, чем приходят. «Старожилы» привыкли просто приходить в любое удобное время с 5:30 до 8 часов, поэтому не стесняйтесь и присоединяйтесь к нам!
We’re excited to return to our beloved venue! It holds a special place in our hearts since we’ve been meeting at Zorba's Cafe for many years. Don't forget to head to the second floor.
Location: 1612 20th St NW, Washington, DC 20009
Conveniently located near the Metro Dupont Circle station, this cafe is where we gathered every Thursday evening for many enjoyable years prior to 2015.
Everyone is invited, but please remember to keep conversations in Russian. This is a wonderful opportunity for many to practice the language. Happy hour specials are available!
Timing: You can expect to find someone there by 5:30 PM, although the organizers may arrive by around 5:45 PM. If you are the first to arrive, please wait a bit; we will be there shortly! We're usually around until at least 8 PM, so if you're running late, feel free to join us anytime.
RSVP: While I encourage you to RSVP, many attendees often don’t. So, even if it looks like only a few people are signed up, rest assured we typically have a lively group! And newcomers are always welcome, so if it’s your first time, you’re not alone!
Additionally, we love sitting outside when the weather is nice. If you don’t see anyone on the second floor, just look for the group of Russian speakers at the outdoor tables.
To reiterate, even if only a few people RSVP, we frequently have a larger turnout, often around 15 people! So, don’t let the low RSVP count discourage you. We look forward to seeing you!
If you have any questions, feel free to check our FAQ page.

- vincent
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