Zorba's Cafe near the Dupont Circle, Thu, May 23, 2024, 5:30 PM
Event description

- Дата: May 23, 2024
- Time: 17:30
- Адрес: Address visible for attendees
- www.meetup.com
Join us at Zorba's Cafe near Dupont Circle for our weekly gathering! We'll be on the 2nd floor or outside if the weather permits. If you don't see us inside, look for us at a table on the street.
Dear group members! For those new to our meetups - fewer people usually RSVP compared to those who actually show up. Regulars are used to not RSVPing and just dropping by anytime between 5:30 and 8 PM. Feel free to RSVP!
Welcome back to our classic venue! We've been meeting at Zorba's Cafe for years. Find us on the 2nd floor.
1612 20th St NW, Washington, DC 20009
Conveniently located near Metro Dupont Circle station. This is where we used to gather every Thursday evening before 2015.
All are welcome, but conversations are to be held in Russian only. Take advantage of happy hour prices and practice your Russian skills.
Timing: Organizers usually arrive by 5:30, but sometimes it's closer to 5:45. If you're early, hang tight - we'll be there! The meetup typically runs till 8 PM, so feel free to join in later.
RSVPs are encouraged, but many attendees don't RSVP. Expect a lively group even if only a few have confirmed. Newcomers are always welcome!
In good weather, we often sit outside. If you don't see us on the second floor, look for the Russian-speaking group at tables on the street.
Don't be discouraged by low RSVP numbers - we usually have a great turnout! See you there!
Have questions? Visit our FAQ page.

- vincent
May 2024
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