InterLengua at Cheluna, Wed, Mar 5, 2025, 5:30 PM

Описание события

  • Дата: Mar 05, 2025
  • Время: 17:30
  • Адрес: Адрес, видимый участниками

Join us for an exciting opportunity to engage in Spanish conversations with native speakers at our upcoming event, "InterLengua at Cheluna." This is more than just a language meetup; it's a genuine exchange where participants become both learners and educators, enriching each other's linguistic skills.

Este evento es ideal para quienes desean mejorar su inglés conversando con hablantes nativos. Es un intercambio de idiomas auténtico, así que ven preparado para ser tanto estudiante como maestro.

We are thankful to Cheluna Brewing Company for generously providing their venue at no cost. We kindly ask attendees to support the venue by purchasing a drink or two. A variety of non-alcoholic options will also be available. Remember to bring a mask, as different venues may have varying health protocols.

Apreciamos que Cheluna Brewing Company nos brinde su espacio sin costo. Por ello, te pedimos que seas amable y compres una o dos bebidas. También habrá una selección de opciones sin alcohol. No olvides llevar tu máscara, ya que los requisitos pueden variar según el lugar.

RESERVATION LIST: If you are a native Spanish speaker (or possess an equivalent proficiency), feel free to join us even if the RSVP list is full.

Due to limited capacity, please update your RSVP if you are unable to attend after confirming, so that others may take your spot. Thank you for your understanding!

Они говорят о нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club