InterLengua at Cheluna, Wed, Jul 26, 2023, 5:30 PM
Event description

- תאריך: Jul 26, 2023
- Time: 17:30
- כתובת: Address visible for attendees
Join us at InterLengua, a thrilling event where language enthusiasts gather to immerse themselves in the beauty of Spanish. This meetup offers a unique opportunity to engage in authentic conversations with native speakers. It's a true language exchange where we learn from each other, allowing you to play the dual role of both student and teacher.
Este grupo te brinda la oportunidad de practicar y platicar en inglés con hablantes nativos. Se trata de un auténtico intercambio de idiomas donde todos aprendemos juntos, así que prepárate para sumergirte en esta enriquecedora experiencia.
Our gracious host, Cheluna Brewing Company, has generously opened its doors to us, providing the perfect venue for our gathering. We kindly request that you show your appreciation by enjoying a refreshing beverage or two. Cheluna offers a variety of non-alcoholic options as well. Additionally, please remember to bring a mask as different venues may have varying requirements.
La compañía cervecera Cheluna, nos permite amablemente utilizar su espacio de forma gratuita, por lo que te pedimos que muestres tu gratitud adquiriendo una o dos bebidas. Cheluna también ofrece una selección de bebidas sin alcohol. Asimismo, recuerda llevar contigo una mascarilla, ya que diferentes lugares pueden tener distintos requisitos.
RESERVE YOUR SPOT: If you are a Spanish native speaker (or speak at an equivalent level), you are always welcome to attend, even when the list is full.
Due to limited capacity, we kindly ask that you update your RSVP if you are unable to join us after confirming your attendance. This will allow others to take your place and make the most of this incredible event. ¡Gracias!

- vincent
July 2023
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