Camina y habla en español - Washington Park *, Wed, Jun 14, 2023, 9:00 AM

Etkinlik Açıklaması

  • Tarih: Jun 14, 2023
  • saat: 09:00
  • Adres: Adres, katılımcılar tarafından görülebilir

Join us for "Camina y habla en español," an event for language enthusiasts and Spanish learners. Take a leisurely stroll around the 2 paved miles of Washington Park while practicing your conversational Spanish skills. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced speaker, we welcome all levels to join us. Please note that in the event of rain, heavy snow or extreme cold, the event will be cancelled.

No need to sign up - come alone or bring a friend and practice your Spanish with like-minded individuals. Don't be discouraged if you don't see many RSVPs - regular attendees often join without RSVPing. Don't miss out on this opportunity to practice your language skills in a beautiful setting!

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