Bambara Bash!

Event description

  • Дата: Apr 22, 2011
  • Time: 13:00
  • Адрес: Address visible for attendees
  • Телефонен номер: 415-722-4237

Anyone out there know Bambara, Mali, Malian culture?

I'd love to pick your brain as I am about to embark on a 27 month journey to Mali with the Peace Corps!




PCV Mali, June 2011 

Говорят за нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


laventurier profile picture laventurierAugust 2011

Hi Zach,

I see you have already left for PC, I  hope everything is going great! I will likewise be a PCV in Mali this October. Did you find anyone to learn Bambara with?  I  am also located in the Bay Area.

Thank you,
