England - Мережа Поліглот

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Ласкаво просимо до England мережі Поліглот!


Haarpy profile picture HaarpyJuly 2012
Hey! Russian's my native language, I can teach this. Also I learn english and want to practice. Write to me
Mariejeanne profile picture MariejeanneJuly 2012
I need help in english , with boy or girl ( 17-18 years) i can learnt french ( sorry for my english :/ ) !!!!
blackprince2 profile picture blackprince2July 2012
I can help you with your english or help for visiting london UK, give me a shout, all the bast
DianeVB profile picture DianeVBJune 2012
schrieb in Bildkommentar. which is basicallcy to write/schrib in Kommentar/commentary.
DianeVB profile picture DianeVBJune 2012
schrieg in Bilkommentar. makes so much sense the Schrieb as in Shriev. a Scribe in Egybt. yes. thx


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